Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

Xun You's biography is chapter (卷 juan) 10 of the Records of the Three Kingdoms and the tenth Book of Wei. The following is a copy of that page. The black text is Chen Shou's original Records of the Three Kingdoms. The blue text are Pei Songzhi's additions.

荀攸傳 Biography of Xun You[]


Xun You, styled Gongda. Xun You is also Xun Yu's cousin once removed. He grandfather, Xun Tan, was Grand Administrator of Guangling. (1) When Xun You was young he was orphaned. In time, Xun Tan died, a former official, Zhang Quan, requested that he guard Xun Tan's tomb. Xun You was 13 years old, but he was suspicious of Zhang Quan's request; he spoke to his father's younger brother, Xun Qu, saying: "This is not some common official, there is probably some treachery afoot!" Xun Qu got up and went to ask Zhang Quan and sure enough he had murdered someone and fled his fate. Due to this Xun You was known to be special. (2) He Jin had control of political affairs and asked for famous scholars from throughout the country, Xun You was among the two dozen men who came. Xun You arrived and was conferred the rank of Gentleman in Attendance of the Yellow Gates. During Dong Zhuo's disorder, the soldiers east of the passes rose up and Dong Zhuo resituated the capital to Chang'an. Xun You, Gentleman-Consultant Zheng Tai, He Yong, Palace Attendant Chong Ji, Colonel of Elite Cavalry Wu Qiong, et al. schemed: "Dong Zhuo is wicked, worse than Xia Jie or King Zhou; all under Heaven resent him. Although he is supported by strong soldiers, in reality he is an ordinary man. Now, we can assassinate him in order to apologise to the common people. Thereafter, occupy Mt. Yao and Hangu Pass and assist with the imperial mandate in order to give orders to the whole empire. This was how Duke Huan of Zheng and Duke Wen of Jin rose up." The plot had not yet been carried out when it became known. He Yong and Xun You were arrested and imprisoned; He Yong was worried and afraid and committed suicide (3), but Xun You talked, ate, and drank calmly. It happened that Dong Zhuo died and Xun You obtained release. (4) Xun You relinquished his office and returned [to his hometown] but was again recruited by the government and raised to a high position. He was promoted to Chancellor of Rencheng but did not go. Because of the solid strategic passes at Shu and the Han River, and the people there were eager and abundant, Xun You therefore requested he be appointed Grand Administrator of Shu commandery. But the road was cut off so he was not allowed to go and stationed at Jing Province.



(2) {Wei Shu (History of Wei)} says: When Xun You was 7 or 8 years old, Xun Qu was drunk and accidentally hurt Xun You's ear. Whenever Xun You went out to walk about or play, he would conceal his ear not wanting Xun Qu to catch sight of it. Afterwards, Xun Qu heard this and thereupon was surprised of his wisdom despite his youth. {Biographies of the Xun Clan} says: Xun Qu's son, Xun Qi, styled Boqi, and Xun Yin were both reputable. Xun Qi discussed corporal punishment with Kong Rong, and Xun Yin discussed the positives and negatives of sages with Kong Rong, at the same time they compiled historical collections. Xun Qi became Grand Administrator of Jiyin; Xun Yin became Libationer to the Imperial Chancellor.



(4) {Wei Shu (History of Wei)} says Xun You sent a man to convince Dong Zhuo to obtain his exemption. This is not the same.


Cao Cao received the Emperor and set the capital at Xu, he left behind a letter for Xun You, saying: "At this time, the whole empire is in great disorder, it is the time for wise scholars to toil. Yet you want to watch and look for changes from between Shu and the Han River, have you not already waited long enough?!" Consequently he asked that Xun You be appointed Grand Administrator of Runan, and he was appointed a Master of Writing. In the past Cao Cao had heard of Xun You's reputation, and when they conversed he was very delighted. He spoke to Xun Yu and Zhang Yao, saying: "Xun You is an exceptional man. With him I can plan affairs, what worries will I have regarding the empire!" He appointed Xun You Master of the Army. Third year of Jian'an [198], Xun You followed in the subjugation of Zhang Xiu. Xun You spoke to Cao Cao, saying: "Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao rely on one another to be strong; however, Zhang Xiu's army has no base and looks to Liu Biao for food, and Liu Biao is unable to keep him supplied, so they will certainly part ways. It would be better to postpone the attack in order to await this, or maybe even precipitate this. If you worry them, they will certainly go to one another's aid." Cao Cao did not heed this and advanced the army to Rang to engage Zhang Xiu in battle. Zhang Xiu was under pressure and sure enough Liu Biao came to his rescue, so Cao Cao's forces were defeated. Cao Cao said to Xun You: "Sir, I did not use your advice and so we have arrived at this." Thereupon he arranged an ambushcade and again battled, greatly breaking them.


That year [198], Cao Cao went from Wan to subdue Lü Bu (1) at Xiapi. Lü Bu was defeated and retreated and firmly entrenched himself at Xiapi. Cao Cao attacked it but could not seize [the city], they repeatedly battled and the soldiers were exhausted. Cao Cao wanted to withdraw so Xun You and Guo Jia convinced him, saying: "Lü Bu is courageous but he has no strategy; now, there have been three battles and each time he was forced back, so his fighting spirit has faltered. The three armies look to their lord for leadership, if the lord falters then the army will not exert themselves fully. Lord, Chen Gong is wise but slow. At present, Lü Bu's spirit has not yet recovered and Chen Gong's stratagem is still undecided; advance the army and urgently attack them and Lü Bu can be seized." Thereupon, Cao Cao redirected the Yi and Si rivers and flooded the city, the city forces were routed and Lü Bu was captured alive.


(1) {Wei Shu (History of Wei)} says: Advisors said 'Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu are behind you yet you want to withdraw and raid Lü Bu, they will certainly be a danger.' Xun You believed 'Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu have recently been broken, in their situation they will not dare act. Lü Bu is brave and fierce and also relies on Yuan Shum if he operates between the Huai and Si river, fighting men will certainly respond to him. Now, take advantage of his earlier rebellion while his forces are not yet of one heart, go and you can break him.' Cao Cao said: "Excellent." As they were travelling, Lü Bu defeated Liu Bei and Zang Ba and others came to him.


Afterwards he followed [Cao Cao] to rescue Liu Yan at Baima, through Xun You's planning Yan Liang was beheaded. It is told in Cao Cao's SGZ. Cao Cao seized Baima and then withdrew, but he sent his baggage train west to follow the Yellow River. Yuan Shao forded the Yellow River in pursuit and his soldiers neared Cao Cao. The various officers were all afraid and tried to convince Cao Cao to withdraw and defend his camp, but Xun You said: "This is so we can capture the enemy; how can we leave!" Cao Cao looked at Xun You and laughed. Forthwith, Cao Cao used his baggage train to lure the enemy, they competed with one another as the rushed to the baggage train, breaking their formation. Thereupon Cao Cao let loose his footmen and cavalry, struck them and greatly broke them, beheading their commander of cavalry, Wen Chou. Cao Cao then faced off against Yuan Shao at Guandu; at that time, the military provisions were exhausted, Xun You spoke to Cao Cao, saying: "Yuan Shao's transport carts arrive at dawn and dusk, his officer Han Meng is keen spirited but makes light of the enemy, strike him and ou will break him." (1) Cao Cao said: "Who can I send?" Xun You said: "Xu Huang." Thereupon Cao Cao dispatched Xu Huang and Shi Huan, who intercepted him, broke him, and put him to flight. It happened that Xu You came to surrender, he said that Yuan Shao had dispatched Chunyu Qiong and others with a command of over 10,000 soldiers to receive and transport the provisions, but the officers were arrogant and the soldiers lazy so they could also be attacked. Cao Cao's forces were all suspicious, only Xun You and Jia Xu urged Cao Cao to do it. Thereupon Cao Cao left Xun You and Cao Hong to defend [the camp] while Cao Cao himself led the attack and broke them and behead Chunyu Qiong and all the other officers. Yuan Shao's officers Zhang He and Gao Lan burned their siege engines and surrendered, Yuan Shao forthwith abandoned his army and fled. When Zhang He came, Cao Hong doubted his intentions and did not dare receive him, but Xun You said to Cao Hong: "Zhang He's strategies were not used, so he was angry and came here. Why do you suspect him?" Thereupon Cao Hong received them.


(1) Minister Pei Songzhi's Appraisal of the various books is that Han ? is sometime called Han Meng and some say Han Ruo and he can not yet explain which is accurate.


[Jian'an] year 7 [202], Xun You followed [Cao Cao] and punished Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang at Liyang. The next year [203], while subduing Liu Biao, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang vied for Ji province. Yuan Tan dispatched Xin Pi to beg to surrender to Cao Cao and request rescue, Cao Cao was planning to accept it but first wanted to ask his subordinates. Many of his subordinates believed Liu Biao was strong and first he should be pacified; while Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang were not worth fretting over. Xun You said: "At a time when the whole empire has opportunities, Liu Biao does nothing but sit and defend [his territory] between the Yangzi and Han rivers, so we certainly know he has no aspirations beyond that. The Yuan clan occupy a territory of four provinces, and they wield 100,000 armed men because Yuan Shao extended his favour to the masses. Consider if the two sons reconcile in order to retain their inheritance, then the difficulties of the whole empire will not yet rest. At present, the brothers are squabbling so are currently divided. If they unite then it would concentrate their power, if their power is concentrated then they would be difficult to deal with. But while they are disorderly you can take them, then the whole empire will be settled. This is not an opportunity you can miss." Cao Cao said: "Excellent." Thereupon Cao Cao promised Yuan Tan an alliance and returned to strike and break Yuan Shang. Later Yuan Tan betrayed him, so Xun You followed Cao Cao and Yuan Tan was beheaded at Nanpi. Ji Province was pacified and Cao Cao recommended Xun You be enfeoffed, saying: "Master of the Army Xun You has been assisting us since the beginning, there was no campaign he did not follow along and from beginning to end it was because of Xun You's plans that the enemy was overcome." Consequently Xun You was enfeoffed as Village Marquis of Lingshu. [Jian'an] year 12 [207], an imperial edict made a great statement of Xun You's exploits and conduct, and enfeoffed him. Cao Cao said: "For upright loyalty, secret stratagems, and comforting and giving peace inside and out, Xun Yu is best. Xun You is next." His fief was increased by 400 households to a total of 700, (1) and he was appointed Master of the Army of the Centre. At the establishment of the Wei state, Xun You was appointed Director of the Imperial Secretariat.


(1) {Wei Shu (History of Wei)} says: As Cao Cao was returning from Liucheng, he passed Xun You's residence. He narrated and praised Xun You's stratagems, labours, and mertiorious service from start to finish, then said: "At present the affairs of the empire are close to being settled, and I want to able and virtuous scholars and together offer a sacrifice to their labours. In former times, Emperor Liu Bang sent Zhang Liang to choose his own fief of 30,000 households, now, I also want you, sir, to choose a fief for yourself."


Xun You would always do what he could to keep his wisdom under wraps, whenever he followed Cao Cao on campaign, they would plot strategies in his tent. At that time no one, not even his sons or younger brothers knew what was said. (1) Cao Cao would regularly praise Xun You, saying: "Xun You is outwardly humble, but inwardly wise; outwardly cowardly, but inwardly courageous; outwardly weak, but inwardly strong. He does not sabotage other good men [to benefit himself] or use his labours to leverage [favour]. His wisdom can be attained but his humility cannot be. Even Yan Hui and Ning Wu cannot compare." Cao Pi was at the eastern palace, Cao Cao said to him: "Xun You is a paragon of man, you should show him the utmost courtesy and respect." Xun You was once ill and Cao Pi personally went to his bedside and asked him how he was feeling; Xun You was shown special honours like this. Xun You was friends with Zhong Yao, Zhong Yao said of him: "Whenever the is something I must do, I would think it over and over and over until I can think of no further changes can be made. I would then consult Xun You and he would always add something I could not foresee." From start to finish, Xun You drew up 12 unusual policies that only Zhong Yao was aware if. Zhong Yao was going to compile this collection but had not undertaken the task when he died, hence future generations would not hear of them. (2) Xun You followed Cao Cao to subdue Sun Quan, on the road he passed away. Cao Cao spoke of him and wept. (3)


(1) {Wei Shu (History of Wei)} says: Xun You's mother-in-law's son, Xin Tao, once tried to ask Xun You to tell him about the time he had admonished Cao Cao, convincing Cao Cao to capture Ji Province. Xun You said: "On behalf of Yuan Tan, a government aide begged surrender, and Cao Cao himself has gone to pacify him. What would I know of this?" Since Xin Tao's attempt, there were none who dared ask Xun You of the affairs of state.


(2) Minister Pei Songzhi's Appraisal: It was 16 years after Xun You's death that Zhong Yao died, why was there difficulty in compiling Xun You's unusual policies? Yet at 80 he nevertheless had not yet undertaken the task, forthwith those stratagems Xun You developed while on campaign would not be handed down to later generations. Alas, what a pity!


(3) {Wei Shu (History of Wei)} says: At that time it was Jian'an year 19 [214] and Xun You was 58. It can be calculated that he was six years Xun Yu's senior. A parallel edict of Cao Cao's in {Wei Shu (History of Wei)} says: "I toured with Xun You for over 20 years, and not once was he careless or did he err." He also said: "Xun You was a genuine and virtuous man, it is said, "溫良恭儉讓以得之" Confucius said: "Yang Ying was good at interacting with men, even being long acquainted he still showed them respect." This was the sort of man Xun You was. {Fu Xuan's Fuzi} says: someone asked Fu Xuan who was the greatest example of a superior man from the immediate generation, he replied: "The benevolent Director of the Imperial Secretariat Xun [You] and the wise Master of the Army Xun [Yu], they can be said to be the greatest example of a superior man from the immediate generation. Through Director Xun You's benevolence, the virtuous found positions [in office], and through his perspicacity worthy people rose [through the ranks]; he did not reward sycophants; and made stratagems in response to crucial moments. Mencius said: "In the course of 500 years a true king will certainly rise, and during his reign there will certainly be those capable of commanding the world" Is that not Director Xun You! Cao Cao praised both Xun You and Xun Yu, saying: "When Director Xun You went to advance the virtuous, if they were not advanced he did not rest. When Master Xun Yu went to remove wicked men, if they were not removed he would not stop.""


Xun You's eldest son, Xun Ji, had Xun You's spirit but he died early. His next son, Xun Shi, was his heir, but he had no son so Xun You's line was cut. During Huangchu [220-226], Xun You's inheritance was continued, his grandson, Xun Biao, was appointed Village Marquis of Lingshu and given a fief of 300 households, and was afterwards transferred to Village Marquis of Qiuyang. During Zhengshi [240-249], Xun You was posthumously titled "Respectful" Lord.

Chen Shou comments[]
