Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

This is a list of all people who were active during the Later Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period, starting with the year 180 AD and ending with 280 AD.



# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affiliation Literary
Biography Image
Agui 阿貴 non-Chinese (Di) 214 Di
Ma Chao
SGZ Wei 30 no image(s) available for this person
Aluode 阿羅得 Wuhuan SGZ Wei 30 no image(s) available for this person
Aluopan 阿羅槃 Wuhuan SGZ Wei 30 no image(s) available for this person
Awu 阿騖 Han SGZ Wei 29 no image(s) available for this person


# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affiliation Literary
Biography Image
Ba Zhi 巴祗 Jingzu 敬祖 Han HHS (XC) 5
SGZ Wei 18
no image(s) available for this person
Banxia 頒下 Wuhuan SGZ Wei 30 no image(s) available for this person
Bao 鮑, the Lady Jingzhao c. 235 SGZ Wei 18 [Note 1] no image(s) available for this person
Bao 豹 Xiongnu JS 101 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Cheng 鮑成 Jingzhao SGZ Wei 18 [Note 2] no image(s) available for this person
Bao Chu 鮑出 Wencai 文才 Jingzhao SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Chu 鮑初 Jingzhao SGZ Wei 18 [Note 3] no image(s) available for this person
Bao Dan 鮑丹 Taishan Han SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Hong 鮑鴻 Youfufeng 189 Han HHS 8 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Rong 鮑融 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Shao 鮑邵 Taishan Cao Cao SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Tao 鮑韜 Taishan 190 Han SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Xin 鮑信 Taishan 192 Han SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Xun 鮑勛 Shuye 叔業 Taishan 226 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person
Bao Ya 鮑雅 Jingzhao SGZ Wei 18 [Note 4] no image(s) available for this person
Bao Zichun 鮑子春 Wei SGZ Wei 29 no image(s) available for this person
Bei Yan 卑衍 Gongsun Yuan SGZ Wei 8 no image(s) available for this person
Bei Yu 貝羽 Han
Bei Yu
Liu Biao
SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Beigong Boyu 北宮伯玉 non-Chinese
(Yuezhi or Qiang)
c. 185+ Han
Liang Rebels
HHS 72 no image(s) available for this person
Bi Chen 畢諶 Dongping Cao Cao
Lü Bu
SGZ Wei 1 no image(s) available for this person
Bi Gui 畢軌 Zhaoxian 昭先 Dongping 249 Wei SGZ Wei 9 no image(s) available for this person
Bi Lan 畢嵐 189 Han (Eunuchs) HHS 08
HHS 69
HHS 78
no image(s) available for this person
Bi Yu 畢瑜 Han
Yuan Shao
HHS 73
SGZ Wei 1
[Note 5] no image(s) available for this person
Bian 卞, the Lady Langye 160 230 Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 5 no image(s) available for this person
Bian Bing 卞秉 Langye Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 5 no image(s) available for this person
Bian Hong 邊鴻 204 Han SGZ Wu 6 no image(s) available for this person
Bian Hui 卞暉 Langye SGZ Wei 5 [Note 6] no image(s) available for this person
Bian Lan 卞蘭 Langye c. 230 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 5 no image(s) available for this person
Bian Lin 卞琳 Langye Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 5 no image(s) available for this person
Bian Long 卞隆 Langye SGZ Wei 5 [Note 7] no image(s) available for this person
Bian Rang 邊讓 Wenli 文禮 Chenliu 193 Han HHS 80
HHS 74
HHS 68
SGZ Wei 1
no image(s) available for this person
Bian Yuan 卞遠 Langye Han SGZ Wei 5 [Note 8] no image(s) available for this person
Bian Zhang 邊章 Jincheng c. 185 Han
Liang Rebels
HHS 72
SGZ Wei 1
no image(s) available for this person
Bing 昺
surname unknown
Wei LS 19 [Note 9] no image(s) available for this person
Bing Liang 邴良 Wenluan Danyang Sun Ce SGZ Wu 16 no image(s) available for this person
Bing Xuan 邴玄 Wenbiao 文表 Danyang 226 Sun Ce
Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 16 no image(s) available for this person
Bing Yuan 邴原 Genju 根矩 Beihai 217 Han
Gongsun Du
SGZ Wei 11 no image(s) available for this person
Bing Zhi 邴祉 Xuansi 宣嗣 Danyang Han (Sun Jian) SGZ Wu 16 no image(s) available for this person
Bo 白, the Lady Cao Cao SGZ Wei 22 [Note 10] no image(s) available for this person
Bo 柏, the Lady Wei
JS 31 no image(s) available for this person
Bo Bo 白波
(“White Wave”)
Black Mountain Bandits SGZ Wei 8 no image(s) available for this person
Bo Cai 波才 Yingchuan 184 Yellow Turbans HHS 71 no image(s) available for this person
Bo Huwen 白虎文 SGZ Shu 3 no image(s) available for this person
Bo Rao 白繞
(“White Circles”)
Black Mountain Bandits HHS 71
SGZ Wei 1
no image(s) available for this person
Bo Xiaochang 柏孝長 Nanyang Cao Cao SGZ Wei 23 no image(s) available for this person
Bogu 伯固
(Korean: Paekko 백고)
Korean Koguryo HHS 85
SGZ Wei 30
no image(s) available for this person
Boque 白雀
(“White Sparrow”)
Black Mountain Bandits HHS 71
SGZ Wei 8
no image(s) available for this person
Bu 步, the Lady
(“Bu Lianshi” 步練師)
Xiapi 238 Wu SGZ Wu 5 no image(s) available for this person
Bu Chan 步闡 Zhongsi 仲思 Wu
SGZ Wu 7
SGZ Wu 13
no image(s) available for this person
Bu Ji 步璣 Wu
SGZ Wu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Bu Jing 卜靜 Xuanfeng 玄風 Wu Wu SGZ Wu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Bu Si 卜巳
or: Bu Yi 卜已
Dong 184 Yellow Turbans HHS 71
no image(s) available for this person
Bu Xie 步協 Wu SGZ Wei 27
SGZ Wu 7
JS 57
no image(s) available for this person
Bu Xuan 步璿 Wu
SGZ Wu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Bu Yin 步 LS 9 no image(s) available for this person
Bu Zhi 步騭 Zishan 子山 Xiapi 247 Wu SGZ Wu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Budugen 步度根 233 Xianbi SGZ Wei 30 no image(s) available for this person


  • Bei Zhan 卑湛 of Wei (Wei 17: 郃雖武將而愛樂儒士,嘗薦同鄉卑湛經明行修,詔曰:「昔祭遵為將,奏置五經大夫,居軍中,與諸生雅歌投壺。今將軍外勒戎旅,內存國朝。朕嘉將軍之意,今擢湛為博士。」)
  • Bi Zili 畢子禮 of Wei (Wei 8: 謝天子禮畢,必詣公門。); (Wei 9: 畢軌,字昭先。父字子禮,建安中為典農校尉。)
  • Bian Shao 邊韶 of Han
  • Bu Qing 卜清 of Wu? (Wu 12: 其見重如此。陵卒,僮客土田或見侵奪,駱統為陵家訟之,求與丁覽、卜清等為比,權許焉。陵子平,字伯先,童齔知名,翻甚愛之,屢稱歎焉。諸葛恪為丹楊太守,討山越,以平威重思慮,可與效力,請平為丞,稍遷武昌左部督,傾心接物,士卒皆為盡力。)
  • Bubenyi 卜賁邑 (SGZ 30) died before 180?


# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affiliation Literary
Biography Image
Cai 蔡, the Lady Nan Liu Biao HHSJJ 74
SGZ Wei 6
no image(s) available for this person
Cai 蔡, the Lady Han JS 31
JS 34
[Note 11] no image(s) available for this person
Cai Feng 蔡諷 Nan Han HHSJJ 74B [Note 12] no image(s) available for this person
Cai Gu 蔡谷 Han HHS 60 no image(s) available for this person
Cai Jiao 蔡較 Han HHS 92 no image(s) available for this person
Cai Mao 蔡瑁 Degui 德珪 Nan Liu Biao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Cai Yan 蔡琰, the Lady Wenji 文姬 Chenliu Han
Cao Cao
HHS 84 no image(s) available for this person
Cai Yang 蔡揚 200 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Shu 2
[Note 13] no image(s) available for this person
Cai Yi 蔡遺 Sun Quan SGZ Wu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Cai Yong 蔡邕 Bojie 伯喈 Chenliu 132 192 Han HHS 60 no image(s) available for this person
Cai Zhan 蔡湛 Zide 子德 Henei Han LS 5 [Note 14] no image(s) available for this person
Cai Zhi 蔡質 Ziwen 子文 Chenliu Han HHS 60 no image(s) available for this person
Cang Ci 倉慈 Xiaoren 孝仁 Jiujiang Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 16 no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹
given name unknown
SGZ Wei 9 [Note 15] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹
given name unknown
Zicheng 子乘
or: Zisheng
Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 16] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹
given name unknown
Ziji 子棘 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 17] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹
given name unknown
Zijing 子京 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 18] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹
given name unknown
Ziqin 子勤 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 19] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹
given name unknown
Zishang 子上 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 20] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹
given name unknown
Zizheng 子整 219 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 21] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹, the Lady Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 [Note 22] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹, the Lady Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 10 [Note 23] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹, the Lady Pei Cao Cao SGZJJ 20 [Note 24] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹, the Lady Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 9 [Note 25] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹, the Lady Pei Wu SGZ Wu 1
SGZ Wu 6
[Note 26] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹, the Lady Pei Wei SGZ Wei 9 [Note 27] no image(s) available for this person
Cao 曹, the Lady Pei Wei SGZ Wei 5 [Note 28] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Ang 曹昂 Zixiu 子脩 Pei 197 Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 1 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Anmin 曹安民 Pei 197 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 1 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Bao 曹豹 Danyang? Tao Qian
Liu Bei
SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Shu 2
no image(s) available for this person
Cao Biao 曹彪 Zhuhu 朱虎 Pei 195 251 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Bin 曹彬 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 [Note 29] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Buxing 曹不興 Wu SGZ Wu 18 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Cao 曹操
Emperor Wu of Wei
or: Cao Jili 吉利
Mengde 孟德 Pei 155 220 Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 1 Cao Cao (click for more images)
Cao Chong 曹沖 Cangshu 倉舒 Pei 196 208 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Chun 曹純 Zihe 子和 Pei 168 210 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 9 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Cong 曹琮 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao De 曹德
or: Cao Ji 疾
Pei 193 Han HHS 48
SGZ Wei 1
no image(s) available for this person
Cao Ding 曹鼎 Pei Han SGZ Wei 9 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Fan 曹範 Pei Wei SGZ Wei 9 [Note 30] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Fang 曹芳
Duke Li of Shaoling
Lanqing 曹芳 Pei 274 Wei
SGZ Wei 4 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Fu 曹輔 Wu SGZ Wu 16 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Fu 曹馥 Pei Wei SGZ Wei 9 [Note 31] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Gan 曹幹
or: Cao Lang 艮
Pei 261 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Gun 曹袞 Pei 235 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Hong 曹洪 Zilian 子廉 Pei 232 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 Cao Hong (click for more images)
Cao Hong 曹宏 Tao Qian SGZ Wei 8 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Hua 曹華, the Lady Pei Cao Cao HHS 10B no image(s) available for this person
Cao Huan 曹奐
Emperor Yuan of Wei
also: Cao Huang 璜
Jingming 景明 Pei 246 302 Wei
SGZ Wei 4 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Hui 曹徽 Pei 242 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Ji 曹棘 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 32] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Jie 曹節, the Lady Pei 197 260 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 4
no image(s) available for this person
Cao Jie 曹節 Hanfeng 漢豐 Nanyang 181 Han (Eunuchs) HHS 78 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Jie 曹楷 Wei SGZ Wei 9 [Note 33] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Jing 曹京 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 34] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Ju 曹據 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Ju 曹秬 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 35] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Jun 曹峻 Zi'an 子安 Pei 259 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 [Note 36] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Jun 曹均 Pei 219 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 37] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Kang 曹抗 Pei 237 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 [Note 38] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Lin 曹林 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 [Note 39] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Mao 曹茂 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 [Note 40] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Mao 曹髦
Duke of Gaogui
Yanshi 曹髦 Pei 241 260 Wei SGZ Wei 4 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Min 曹敏 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 [Note 41] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Pi 曹丕
Emperor Wen of Wei
or: Cao Pei
Zihuan 子桓 Pei 187 226 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 2 Cao Pi (click for more images)
Cao Poshi 曹破石 Nanyang Han HHS 78
HHS (XC) 2
no image(s) available for this person
Cao Qian 曹謙 Han HHS 8 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Qian 曹潛 Pei 233 Wei no image(s) available for this person
Cao Quan 曹全 Jingyuan 景完 Dunhuang Han HHS 88 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Ren 曹仁 Zixiao 子孝 Pei 168 223 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 Cao Ren (click for more images)
Cao Ru 曹儒 Junlin 俊林 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 15 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Rui 曹叡
Emperor Ming of Wei
Yuanzhong 元仲 Pei c. 206 239 Wei SGZ Wei 3 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Shao 曹紹 Nanyang 191 Han HHS 57 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Shao 曹紹 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 42] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Shao 曹肇 Changshi 長思 Pei Wei SGZ Wei 9 [Note 43] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Shao 曹邵 Bo'nan 伯南 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Shu 曹淑 Pei Wei [Note 44] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Shuang 曹爽 Zhaobo 昭伯 Pei 249 Wei SGZ Wei 9 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Shuo 曹鑠 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 45] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Song 曹嵩 Jugao 巨高 Pei 193 Han HHS 78
SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Wei 11
no image(s) available for this person
Cao Tai 曹泰 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 [Note 46] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Wan 曹琬 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 [Note 47] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Xian 曹憲,
the Lady
Pei Cao Cao
HHS 10B no image(s) available for this person
Cao Xing 曹性 Henei? Lü Bu SGZ Wei 7 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Xiong 曹熊 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 19 [Note 48] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Xiu 曹休 Wenlie 文烈 Pei 228 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Xuan 曹玹 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 49] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Yan 曹演 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 [Note 50] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Yi 曹壹 Pei Wei SGZ Wei 20 [Note 51] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Yin 曹寅 Han SGZ Wu 1 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Yu 曹瑜 Pei Han SGZ Wei 9 [Note 52] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Yu 曹玉 Pei Han SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Yu 曹宇 Pengzu 彭祖 Pei Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 20 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Zan 曹贊 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 53] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Ze 曹則 Pei 249 Wei no image(s) available for this person
Cao Zhang 曹彰 Ziwen 子文 Pei 223 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 19 no image(s) available for this person
Cao Zhen 曹震 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 9 [Note 54] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Zhen 曹真 Zidan 子丹 Pei 231 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 9 Cao Zhen (click for more images)
Cao Zheng 曹整 Pei 218 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 1 [Note 55] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Zhi 曹植 Zijian 子建 Pei 192 232 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 19 Cao Zhi (click for more images)
Cao Zhong 曹眾 Boshi 柏師 Youfufeng Han HHS 80 [Note 56] no image(s) available for this person
Cao Zun 曹遵 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 9 [Note 57] no image(s) available for this person
Chai Yu 柴玉 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 29 no image(s) available for this person
Chang 常
given name unknown
Boxian 伯先 Henei SGZ Wei 23 [Note 58] no image(s) available for this person
Chang Ji 常纪, the Lady Shu HYGZ 10A no image(s) available for this person
Chang Lin 常林 Bohuai 伯槐 Henei Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 23 no image(s) available for this person
Chang Nu 萇奴 Yuan Shu SGZ Wei 1 no image(s) available for this person
Chang Shi 常旹 Henei Wei no image(s) available for this person
Chang Wu 昌務 bandit HHS 50 no image(s) available for this person
Chang Xi 昌豨
or: Chang Ba 霸
206 Lü Bu
Cao Cao
Liu Bei
SGZ Wei 17
SGZ Shu 2
no image(s) available for this person
Chang Xia 常冾
or: Chang Qia
Maoni 茂尼 Shu 195 Han SGZ Wei 6
no image(s) available for this person
Chang Yi 常翊 Mengyuan 孟元 Han HYGZ 12 [Note 59] no image(s) available for this person
Chang Yuan 常員
or: Chang Yuan 厡
Shu Han HYGZ 4
[Note 60] no image(s) available for this person
Che Jun 車浚 276 Wu no image(s) available for this person
Che Zhou 車胄 Cao Cao Cao Cao Wei 14
SGZ Shu 2
[Note 61] no image(s) available for this person
Chen 陳, the Lady Cao Cao SGZ Wei 20 [Note 62] no image(s) available for this person
Chen 陳, the Lady Sun Jian SGZ Wu 16 [Note 63] no image(s) available for this person
Chen 陳, the Lady Wei JS 36 [Note 64] no image(s) available for this person
Chen 陳
given name unknown
Liangfu 梁甫 Sun Ce?
Sun Quan?
SGZ Wu 18 [Note 65] no image(s) available for this person
Chen 陳
given name unknown
Pingzi 平子 Han HHS 81 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Ao 陳敖 Kuaiji Wu SGZ Wu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Bao 陳寶 bandit HHSJJ 84 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Bao 陳寶 Shengxian 盛先 Liu Zhang HHS 51
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Bao 陳寶 Sun Ce SGZ Wu 1 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Biao 陳表 Wen'ao 文奧 Lujiang 204 237 Wu SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Ce 陳策 Lujiang bandit SGZ Wei 14 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Chao 陳超 191 Han SGZ Shu 1 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Chen 陳諶 Jifang 季方 Yingchuan Han HHS 62 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Cong 陳琮 Xiapi Han
Cao Cao
HHS 56 [Note 66] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Dan 陳耽 Hangong 漢公 Donghai 185 Han HHS 57 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Dao 陳到 Shuzhi 叔至 Runan Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 15 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Deng 陳登 Yuanlong 元龍 Xiapi Tao Qian
Liu Bei
Lü Bu
Cao Cao
HHS 82
HHS (XC) 3
SGZ Wei 7
SGZ Wu 1
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Du 陳度 Miaogao 妙高 Chen Han LS 25 [Note 67] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Duan 陳端 Runan 184 Han HHS 45 [Note 68] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Duan 陳端 Zizheng 子正 Guangling c. 200 Sun Ce SGZ Wu 1
SGZ Wu 8
[Note 69] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Feng 陳鳳 Liu Bei SGZ Wu 13 [Note 70] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Gong 陈恭 Jiangxia SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Gong 陳宮 Gongtai 公台 Dong 198 Cao Cao
Lü Bu
HHS 75
SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Wei 7
Chen Gong (click for more images)
Chen Gui 陳珪 Hanyu 漢瑜 Xiapi Han
Cao Cao
HHS 56
SGZ Wei 7
no image(s) available for this person
Chen He 陳郃 SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Ji 陳紀 Yuanfang 元方 Yingchuan Han HHS 62
JS 30
SGZ Wei 22
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Jiao 陳矯 Jibi 季弼 Guangling 237 Cao Cao
Wei (Cao Pi, Cao Rui)
SGZ Wei 22 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Jiu 陳就 208 Liu Biao SGZ Wu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Lan 陳蘭
or: Chen Jian 簡
Lujiang 209 Yuan Shu HHS 75
SGZ Wu 6
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Lin 陳琳 Kongzhang 孔璋 Guangling 217 Han
Yuan Shao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 21 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Mao 陳茂 Nanyang SGZ Wei 24 [Note 71] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Mu 陳牧 197 Han SGZ Wu 10 [Note 72] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Pu 陳僕 Danyang chieftain of
SGZ Wu 15 [Note 73] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Qin 陳勤 206 Sun Quan SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Qun 陳群 Changwen 長文 Yingchuan 236 Liu Bei
Lü Bu
Cao Cao
JS 17
SGZ Wei 22
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Rong 陳容 Guangling 195 Yuan Shao HHS 58
SGZ Wei 7
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Rong 陳融 Chen Wu SGZ Wu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Shao 陳绍 181 Han
HHJ 28 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Shi 陳寔 Zhonggong 仲弓
(Yuanfang 元方 in HHSJJ)
Yingchuan 104 187 Han HHS 62 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Shi 陳式 Liu Bei
SGZ Wei 17
SGZ Shu 2
SGZ Shu 5
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Su 陳肅 Xiapi Wei SGZ Wei 7 [Note 74] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Sui 陳邃 Yingchuan Han XTS 71B [Note 75] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Sui 陳遂 Han CZW 3:2 [Note 76] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Tao 陳桃 Kuaiji Wu SGZ Wu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Tiao 陳調 Han HHS 92 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Tiao 陳調 Yuanhua 元化 Hanzhong 190 Han HYGZ 2, 10C no image(s) available for this person
Chen Wei 陳衛 Dong Zhuo
Lü Bu
HHS 72 [Note 77] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Wen 陳溫
or: Chen Wei/Yi 偉/禕
Yuandi 元悌 Runan 193 Cao Cao (Cao Hong) HHS 75
SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Wei 9
SGZ Wu 11
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Shou 陳壽 Chengzuo 承祚 Baxi 233 297 Shu-Han
JS 82 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Shu 陳術 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Wu 陳武 Zilie 子烈 Lujiang 215 Yuan Shu
Sun Ce
Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Xia 陳洽 Yingchuan Han XTS 71B [Note 78] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Xiu 陳休 Yingchuan Han XTS 71B [Note 79] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Xiu 陳脩 Lujiang 229 Wu SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Ya 陳雅 Botai 伯臺 Guanghan Han HYGZ 2, 10C no image(s) available for this person
Chen Yan 陳延 Shangdang SGZ Wei 23 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Ye 陳業 Kuaiji SGZ Wu 12
SJZ 40
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Yi 陳逸 Ziyou 子游 Runan Han HHS 66
SGZ Wei 01
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Yi 陳懿 184 Han HHS 72 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Yi 陳禕 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 01 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Yu 陳瑀 Gongwei 公瑋 Xiapi HHS 56
SGZ Wei 06
SGZ Wu 01
SGZ Wu 11
no image(s) available for this person
Chen Zhen 陳震 Xiaoqi 孝起 Nanyang SGZ Shu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Chen Zhong 陳忠 Xiaoxian 孝先 Yingchuan Wei XTS 71B [Note 80] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Zi 陳萴 Yingchuan XTS 71B [Note 81] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Zun 陳遵 Han CZW 3:2 [Note 82] no image(s) available for this person
Chen Zuo 陳坐
or: Chen Sheng 生
Jiangxia bandit HHS 76 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng 程, the Lady Han HHS 52
HHS 56
HHS 60
HHS 80
no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Bao 程包
or: Cheng Bao 苞
Yuandao 元道 Hanzhong Han HHS 86
no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Bing 程秉 Deshu 德樞 Runan Han
Shi Xie
Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 08 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Dang 成當 c. 210 Sun Quan SGZ Wu 09 [Note 83] no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Huan 程奐
or: Cheng Huan 渙
Han Fu HHS 74 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Ji 成濟 260 Wei no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Ji 程畿 Jiran 季然
or: Jimo 季默
Ba 222 Liu Zhang
Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 15 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Lian 成廉 Lü Bu SGZ Wei 01 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Pu 程普 Demou 德謀 Youbeiping Han (Sun Jian)
Sun Ce
Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Qi 程祈
or: Cheng Yu 郁
Gonghong 公弘 Ba Liu Zhang
Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 15
no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Qiu 程球 187 Han HHS 58 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Tuo 程他
or: Cheng Ta
Dong c. 210 civilian SGZ Wei 27 [Note 84] no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Tuo 程他, wife of civilian SGZ Wei 27 no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Xu 程緒 Dai 193 Liu Yu HHS 73 [Note 85] no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Yang 程陽 Xiaosui 孝遂 Yuzhang Han LS 5 [Note 86] no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Yi 成宜 211 Guanxi SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Shu 6
no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Yin 程寅 Youfufeng Han JSCB 18 [Note 87] no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Yin 程銀 Hedong Guanxi
Zhang Lu
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 8
SGZ Shu 6
no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Yu 程昱
or: Cheng Li 立
Zhongde 仲德 Dong 142 221 Han
Cao Cao
LS 14
SGZ Wei 14
no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Zheng 程徵 Jianwei Liu Zhang HYGZ 3 [Note 88] no image(s) available for this person
Cheng Zun Guanghan Liu Zhang HYGZ 3 [Note 89] no image(s) available for this person
Chenggong Ying 成公英
or: Cheng Gongying
Jincheng Liang Rebels
Cao Cao
Cao Pi
SGZ Wei 15 no image(s) available for this person
Chi Lü 郗慮 Hongyu 鴻豫 Shanyang Han
Cao Cao
HHS 70
no image(s) available for this person
Chong 种
surname unknown
Ma Chao SGZ Shu 6 no image(s) available for this person
Chong Fu 种拂 Yingbo 穎伯 Henan 192 Han
Dong Zhuo
HHS 56 no image(s) available for this person
Chong Ji 种輯 200 Han no image(s) available for this person
Chong Shao 种劭 Shenfu 申甫 Henan 194 Han
Dong Zhuo
HHS 56 no image(s) available for this person
Chu Gong 褚貢 184 Han HHS 71 no image(s) available for this person
Chunyu Jia 淳于嘉 Ji'nan Dong Zhuo
HHS 9 no image(s) available for this person
Chunyu Qiong 淳于瓊
or: Chunyu Gui 夔
Zhongjian 仲簡 200 Han
Yuan Shao
SGZ Wei 1
no image(s) available for this person
Chunyu Shi 淳于式 Sun Quan SGZ Wu 13 no image(s) available for this person
Congqian 從錢
“Follow Monkey”
bandit SGZ Wei 12 [Note 90] no image(s) available for this person
Cuan Xi 爨習 Yizhou? Nanman
SGZ Shu 13
no image(s) available for this person
Cui 崔
given name unknown
Yuanping 元平 Boling
c. 192? Han HHSJJ 52 no image(s) available for this person
Cui 崔
given name unknown
Zhouping 州平 Boling
HHSJJ 52 no image(s) available for this person
Cui 崔, the Lady Qinghe 218 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 13 no image(s) available for this person
Cui Jun 崔鈞 Yuanping 元平
or: Zhouping 州平?
HHS 52 no image(s) available for this person
Cui Juye 崔巨業 Yuan Shao HHS 73 no image(s) available for this person
Cui Lie 崔烈 Weikao 威考 Boling
192 Han HHS 52 no image(s) available for this person
Cui Lin 崔林 Deru 德儒 Qinghe 244 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 24 no image(s) available for this person
Cui Yan 崔琰 Jigui 季珪 Qinghe 216 Han
Yuan Shao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person


  • Cai Fang 蔡方 of Wei
  • Cai Gong 蔡貢 of Wu
  • Cai Tiao 蔡條 of Wu
  • Cai Wenzhi 蔡文至 of Wu
  • Cai Yang 蔡阳 of Cao Cao (d. 201)?
  • Cai Ying 蔡穎 of Wu
  • Cai Yuancai 蔡元才 of ?
  • Cai Zhong 蔡仲 a robber
  • Chang Diao 常雕 of Wei
  • Chang Fang 常房 of Shu-Han
  • Chang Jing 常靜 of Wei
  • Chang Ju 常俱 rebel leader
  • Chang Shi 常旹 of Wei

  • Cheng Zhi 程祗 (and his Lady Li Mujiang and their sons)
  • Lady Cheng Zhenjue


# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affiliation Literary
Biography Image
Dai Feng 戴風 Lujiang HHS 31 [Note 91] no image(s) available for this person
Dai Gan 戴乾 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 22 no image(s) available for this person
Dai Ling 戴陵 Wei SGZ Wei 2
SGZ Shu 5
no image(s) available for this person
Dai Yuan 戴員 Wu 204 Han SGZ Wu 6 no image(s) available for this person
Dan Meng 儋萌 Shi Xie SGZ Wu 8 no image available for this person
Dan Yang 單颺 Wuxuan 武宣 Han HHS 82
SGZ Wei 2
[Note 92] no image available for this person
Dang 當
surname unknown
Cao Pi
LS 19 [Note 93] no image(s) available for this person
Deng Ai 鄧艾
aka: Deng Fan 鄧範
Shizai 士載
Shizi 士則
264 Wei SGZ Wei 28 Deng Ai (click for more images)
Deng Dang 鄧當 c. 199 Sun Ce SGZ Wu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Deng Fang 鄧方 Kongshan 孔山 Nan 221 Liu Bei HYGZ 4
SGZ Shu 15
no image(s) available for this person
Deng Fu 鄧輔 219 Liu Bei SGZ Wu 13 no image available for this person
Deng Ji 鄧濟 Liu Biao SGZ Wei 1 [Note 94] no image available for this person
Deng Jing 鄧靜 Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 29 no image available for this person
Deng Kai 鄧凱 Nan Liu Bei SGZ Wu 13 no image available for this person
Deng Liang 鄧良 Shu-Han
SGZ Shu 15 no image available for this person
Deng Long 鄧龍 Liu Biao SGZ Wu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Deng Pin 鄧聘 195 Han HHJ 28 [Note 95] no image available for this person
Deng Sheng 鄧盛 Boneng 伯能 Han HHS 8 [Note 96] no image available for this person
Deng Sheng 鄧升 Yuan Shao
Gao Gan
SGZ Wei 6 no image available for this person
Deng Xi 鄧羲 Nanyang Liu Biao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Deng Xian 鄧賢 Liu Zhang
Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 2 no image available for this person
Deng Xuanzhi 鄧玄之 Nanyang Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Deng Yuan 鄧淵 Han HHJ 28
no image available for this person
Deng Zhi 鄧芝 Bomiao 伯苗 Nanyang 250 Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 15 no image(s) available for this person
Deng Zixiao 鄧子孝 SGZ Shu 8 no image available for this person
Dian Man 典滿 Chenliu Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Dian Wei 典韋 Chenliu 197 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Dianyu 滇吾 Liang Rebels
Qiang (Goujiu)
HHS 58 no image(s) available for this person
Diao Jia 刁嘉 Wu SGZ Wu 17 no image available for this person
Diao Xuan 刁玄 Wu SGZ Wu 03
SGZ Wu 18
no image available for this person
Ding 丁, the Lady Pei? Han SGZ Wei 2 [Note 97] no image(s) available for this person
Ding 丁, the Lady Pei? Cao Cao SGZ Wei 5 no image(s) available for this person
Ding 丁 Yansi 彥思 192? Dong Zhuo HHS 66 no image(s) available for this person
Ding 丁 Zisi 子嗣 184 Han HHS 45 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Chong 丁沖 Yang Feng
Cao Cao
HHJ 28
HHS 72
SGZ Wei 19
no image available for this person
Ding Fan 丁蕃 Kuaiji 203 Sun Quan SGZ Wu 15 no image available for this person
Ding Fei 丁斐 Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 1 [Note 98] no image(s) available for this person
Ding Feng 丁奉 Chengyuan 承淵 Lujiang 271 Wu SGZ Wu 10 Ding Feng
Ding Feng 丁封 Wu SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Fu 丁孚 Wu SGZ Wu 8 [Note 99] no image(s) available for this person
Ding Gong 丁宮 Yuanxiong 元雄 Pei Han HHS 8
SGZ Wei 6
SGZ Wu 4
no image(s) available for this person
Ding Gu 丁固 Zijian 子賤 Wu SGZ Wu 12 [Note 100] no images available for this person
Ding Guan 丁管 Han Ding Guan (click for more images)
Ding Lan 丁覽 Xiaolian 孝連 Kuaiji Sun Quan SGZ Wu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Li 丁立 Shu-Han SGZ Shu 5 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Mi 丁謐 Yanjing 彥靖 Wei SGZ Wei 9 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Mi 丁彌 Qinyuan 欽遠 Jin JS no image(s) available for this person
Ding Xian 丁咸 Shu-Han SGZ Shu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Xu 丁諝 Wu Sun Quan SGZ Wu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Yan 丁晏 Wu SGZ Wu 14 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Yi 丁儀 Zhengli 正禮 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 19 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Yi 丁廙 Jingli 敬禮 Pei Cao Cao SGZ Wei 19 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Yuan 丁原 Jianyang 建陽 Nanyang 189 Han HHS 75
SGZ Wei 7
Ding Yuan (click for more images)
Ding Zhong 丁忠 Wu SGZ Wu 20 no image(s) available for this person
Ding Zun 丁尊 Wei no image(s) available for this person
Diwu Jun 第五儁 Jingzhao Han HHS 58 no image(s) available for this person
Diwu Xun 第五巡 Wenxiu 文休 Jingzhao Han HHSJJ 41
SGZ Wei 7
no image(s) available for this person
Dong 董
given name unknown
Hongnong FSTY 5 no image(s) available for this person
Dong 董
given name unknown
Jizhong 季中 Hongnong SGZ Wei 13 no image(s) available for this person
Dong 董, the Lady Hejian 189 Han HHS 10B no image(s) available for this person
Dong 董, the Lady Longxi 192 Han
Dong Zhuo
SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Dong 董, the Lady Anping? c. 189 Han SGZ Wei 5 [Note 101] no image(s) available for this person
Dong 董, the Lady 200 Han HHS 10B no image(s) available for this person
Dong 董, the Lady Longxi? Ma Chao
Cao Cao
SGZ Shu 6 no image(s) available for this person
Dong An 董黯 Xiaozhi 孝治 Kuaiji SGZ Wu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Ba 董巴 Wei HHS 103
JS 17
SGZ Wei 2
no image(s) available for this person
Dong Bing 董竝 Gongfang 公昉 Henei Han LS 5 [Note 102] no image(s) available for this person
Dong Bo 董白, the Lady Longxi 192? Dong Zhuo SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Cheng 董承 Hejian or
200 Dong Zhuo
HHS 72
no image(s) available for this person
Dong Fang 董訪 Jiyin Zhang Miao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 14 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Fen 董芬 Hongnong HHS 72
SGZ Wei 29
no image(s) available for this person
Dong Fu 董扶 Mao'an 茂安 Guanghan Han
Liu Yan
SGZ Shu 1
no image(s) available for this person
Dong Fu 188 Han HYGZ 10C no image(s) available for this person
Dong He 董和 Cao Cao SGZ Wu 2 [Note 103] no image(s) available for this person
Dong He 董和 Youzai 幼宰 Nan 221 Liu Zhang
Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Huang 董璜 Longxi 192 Dong Zhuo SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Meng 董蒙 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 1 [Note 104] no image(s) available for this person
Dong Min 董旻 Longxi 192 Han
Dong Zhuo
SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Si 董祀or: Dong Shi Chenliu Cao Cao HHS 84 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Tai 曹臺 Jianwei Liu Zhang HYGZ 10B no image(s) available for this person
Dong Xi 董襲 Yuandai 元代 Kuaiji 217 Sun Ce
Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Yu 董遇 Jizhi 季直 Hongnong Duan Wei
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 13 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Yue 董越 192 Dong Zhuo HHS 72 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Yun 董允 Xiuzhao 休昭 Nan 246 Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 6 no image(s) available for this person
Dong Zhao 董昭 Gongren 公仁 Jiyin 156 236 Han
Yuan Shao
Zhang Yang
Cao Cao
LS 19
SGZ Wei 14
no image(s) available for this person
Dong Zhong 董重 Hejian 189 Han HHS 10B no image(s) available for this person
Dong Zhuo 董卓 Zhongying 仲穎 Longxi 192 Han
Dong Zhuo
HHS 72
HHS (XC) 4
SGZ Wei 6
Dong Zhuo (click for more images)
Dongguo Yannian 東郭延年 Gongyou 公淤 Shanyang Cao Cao HHS 72
SGZ Wei 29
no image(s) available for this person
Dongli Gun 東裏衮
or: Dongli Bao 褒
Cao Cao
Sun Quan
SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Wei 4
SGZ Wu 2
no image(s) available for this person
Dou 竇
given name unknown
Boxiang 伯向 Youfufeng Han HHS 80 [Note 105] no image(s) available for this person
Dou Fu 竇輔 Youfufeng 167 211 Han
Liu Biao
Cao Cao
HHS 69 no image(s) available for this person
Dou Yuan 竇元 Shugao 叔高 Youfufeng? Han SFJL no image(s) available for this person
Du 杜, the Lady Lü Bu
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 3 no image(s) available for this person
Du Chang 杜長 Zhang Yan SGZ Wei 8 [Note 106] no image(s) available for this person
Du Ji 杜畿 Bohou 伯侯 Jingzhao c. 223 Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 16 no image(s) available for this person
Du Ji 杜基 Yingchuan Wei SGZ Wei 23 [Note 107] no image(s) available for this person
Du Jie 杜楷 Jingzhao Han HHS 58 no image(s) available for this person
Du Kui 杜夔 Gongliang 公良 Henan Han
Liu Biao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 29 no image(s) available for this person
Du Pu 杜普 Liu Bei SGZ Wei 17 no image(s) available for this person
Du Qi 杜祺 Nanyang Shu-Han SGZ Shu 9 no image(s) available for this person
Du Qiong 杜瓊 Boyu 伯瑜 Shu 250 Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Du Shuo 杜碩 Jingzhao HHS 80 [Note 108] no image(s) available for this person
Du Song 杜松 Cao Cao SGZ Wei 18 [Note 109] no image(s) available for this person
Du Tong 杜通 SGZ Wei 16 no image(s) available for this person
Du Wei 杜微 Guofu 國輔 Guanghan Liu Zhang
SGZ Shu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Du Xi 杜襲 Zixu 子緒 Yingchuan Liu Biao
Cao Cao
Cao Pi
SGZ Wei 23 no image(s) available for this person
Du Yang 杜陽 Henei Han SGZ Wei 9 no image(s) available for this person
Du You 杜祐 Yingchuan SGZ Wei 13 [Note 110] no image(s) available for this person
Du Yu 杜預 Yuankai 元凱 Jingzhao 222 285 Wei
JS 34 no image(s) available for this person
Duan Gui 段圭 Ziyin 子隱 Jiyin 189 Han (Eunuchs) HHS 67
HHS 78
no image(s) available for this person
Duan Wei 段煨 Zhongming Wuwei 209 Han
Cao Cao
HHS 72
SGZ Wei 10
no image(s) available for this person
Duan Xun 段訓
or: Yin Xun 殷訓
Gongsun Zan
HHS 73
SGZ Wei 8
no image(s) available for this person
Duhu 杜濩
aka: Duguan 灌[1]
non-Chinese Cao Cao HYGZ 6
SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Shu 13
no image(s) available for this person
Dun Zixian SGZ Wei 29 no image(s) available for this person


  • Wikipedia says Ding Fei's 丁斐 style name is Wenhou 文侯

Uncertain entries

  • Ding Gong 丁厷 in Book of Shu 15 權與亮書曰:「丁厷掞張,〔1〕陰化不盡;和合二國,唯有鄧芝。」 and 孫權蓋謂丁厷之言多浮豔也。
  • Ding Jungan 丁君幹 of Shu-Han
  • Ding Yan 丁晏 in Book of Wu 14 又都督劉寶白庶子丁晏,晏亦白寶,和謂晏曰:「文武在事,當能幾人,因隙搆薄,圖相危害,豈有福哉?」
  • Ding Zun 丁尊 of Wei
  • Diwu Yong 第五永 of Han, during the time of Emperor Ling. Farewelled by Cai Yong and Gao Biao.
  • Dong An 董黯, mentioned in Wu 12, but may not have lived beyond 180?


# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affiliation Literary
Biography Image
Ehe 餓何 Qiang SGZ Wei 26 [Note 111] no image(s) available for this person
Ezhesai 蛾遮塞 Qiang SGZ Wei 26 [Note 112] no image(s) available for this person

  • Emperor
    • Emperor Da of Wu 吳大帝; see Sun Quan 孫權
    • Emperor Fei of Wei 魏廢帝; see Cao Fang 曹芳
    • Emperor Jing of Wu 吳景帝; see Sun Xiu 孫休
    • Emperor Ling of Han 漢靈帝
    • Emperor Ming of Wei 魏明帝; see Cao Rui 曹叡
    • Emperor Shao of Han 漢少帝
    • Emperor Shao of Wei 魏少帝; see Cao Fang 曹芳
    • Emperor Wen of Wei 魏文帝; see Cao Pi 曹丕
    • Emperor Xian of Han 漢獻帝
    • Emperor Xiaohuai of Shu-Han 蜀漢孝懷帝; see Liu Shan 劉禪
    • Emperor Yuan of Wei 魏元帝; see Cao Huan 曹奐
    • Emperor Zhaolie of Shu-Han 蜀漢昭烈帝; see Liu Bei 劉備
  • Empress
    • Empress He 何皇后; see He 何, the Lady.
    • Empress Zhang 張皇后; see Zhang 張, the younger Lady
    • Empress Zhang 張皇后; see Zhang 張, the elder Lady


  • Empress Bian of Cao Huan
  • Empress Bian of Cao Mao


# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affiliation Literary
Biography Image
Fa Miao 法邈 Youfufeng Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 7 [Note 113] no image(s) available for this person
Fa Yan 法衍 Jimou 季謀 Youfufeng Han SGZ Shu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Fa Zhen 法真 Gaoqing 高卿
or: Qiaoqing
Youfufeng 100 188 Han HHS 44
HHS 83
SGZ Shu 7
no image(s) available for this person
Fa Zheng 法正 Xiaozhi 孝直 Youfufeng 176 220 Liu Zhang
Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Fan 樊, the Lady Nanyang Zhao Fan SGZ Shu 2 no image(s) available for this person
Fan 樊
given name unknown
Lujiang LS 10 [Note 114] no image(s) available for this person
Fan A 樊阿 Pengcheng HHS 82B]
SGZ Wei 29
no image(s) available for this person
Fan Chou 樊稠 Longxi? 195 Dong Zhuo
Li Jue
HHS 72
SGZ Wei 6
no image(s) available for this person
Fan Dan
or: Fan Ran
Shiyun Chenliu 112 185 Han HHS 68
HHS 81
CZW 2:7
no image(s) available for this person
Fan Fang 范方 Gongsun Zan SGZ Wei 14 no image(s) available for this person
Fan Jin Wenyuan Nanyang Han HHS 58 [Note 115] no image(s) available for this person
Fan Ling 樊陵 Deyun 德雲 Nanyang 189 Han HHS 08
HHS 69
no image(s) available for this person
Fan Min 樊敏 Shengda 升達 120 203 Han LS 11 no image(s) available for this person
Fan Neng 樊能 Liu Yao SGZ Wu 1 no image(s) available for this person
[[]] no image(s) available for this person
[[]] no image(s) available for this person
[[]] no image(s) available for this person
[[]] no image(s) available for this person
[[]] no image(s) available for this person
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Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Fan Zeng 范曾 n/a Han Major under He Jin
Feng Xu 封胥 n/a Han, Yellow Turbans Favourited Eunuch of Emperor Ling. Persuaded by Yellow Turban Ma Yuanyi 馬元義.
Fuyun 浮雲
(“Floating Clouds”)
Black Mountain Bandits bandit leader
Fu Xie 傅燮 Youqi 幼起
Nanrong 南容
Han Achieved success in the Yellow Turban Rebellion and Liang Province Rebellion.


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Gan 甘, the Lady
Gan Ning 甘寧 Sun Quan
Gao Ding 高定 n/a Nanman Rebelled against Shu-Han with Yong Kai and Zhu Bao. HYGZ 4
Gao Wang 高望 n/a Han (Eunuchs)
Gongsun Fan
n/a Gongsun Zan Cousin of Gongsun Zan
Gongsun Yue
n/a Yuan Shu
Gongsun Zan
Bogu 伯珪 Han
Gongsun Zan
rival of Yuan Shao
Guo Daxian 郭大賢
(“Guo Great-Virtue”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits bandit leader
Guan Hai 管亥 n/a Bandit Bandit active in Shandong area. Not a Yellow Turban.
Guan Ping 關平 n/a Liu Bei son of Guan Yu 羽
Guan Tong 關統 n/a Shu-Han son of Guan Xing 興, half-brother of Guan Yi 彝.
Guan Xing 關興 Anguo 安國 Liu Bei son of Guan Yu 羽
Guan Yi 關彝 n/a Shu-Han son of Guan Xing 興
Guan Yu 關羽 Changsheng 長生
Yunchang 雲長
Liu Bei
Fought in the Yellow Turban Rebellion with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. Governed Jing. Destroyed by an ill Lü Meng 呂蒙.
Guanqiu Jian
Zhonggong 仲恭 Wei SGZ Wei 28
Guo Da 郭大
(“Big Guo”)
or: Guo Tai 太
n/a Bobo Bandits Leader of Bobo Bandits (“White Wave Rebels”).
Guo Dian 郭典 Junye 君業 Han Grand Administrator of Julu commandery
Guo Huai 郭淮 Boji 伯濟 Cao Cao
Guo Jia 郭嘉 Fengxiao 奉孝 Yuan Shao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 14
Guo 郭, the Lady Nüwang 女皇 Wei Empress
Guo Sheng 郭勝 n/a Han (Eunuchs) Regular Palace Attendant
Guo Yi 郭奕 Boyi 伯益 Cao Cao
Son of Guo Jia, became Imperial Tutor. SGZ Wei 14
Guo Xun 郭勳 n/a Han Inspector of You Province


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Han Dang 韓當
Han Fu 韓馥
Han Kui 韓悝 n/a Han (Eunuchs> Eunuch. Enfeoffed in 185 as full marquis.
Han Xian 韓暹 n/a Bobo Bandits A leader among the Bobo Bandits (White Wave Bandits).
Han Zhong 韓忠 n/a Yellow Turbans Fought under Zhang Mancheng in Wan city, and eventually became leader of the force.
He 何, the Lady
Empress He 何皇后
n/a Han Half-sister of He Jin and He Miao. Wife of Emperor Ling. Mother of Liu Bian (Emperor Shao).
He Jin 何進 Suigao 遂高 Han General-in-Chief for the Han and brother-in-law of Emperor Ling. Hated the eunuchs and plotted against them. Uncle of Emperor Shao.
He Miao 何苗 n/a Han Half-brother of Lady He, brother-in-law of He Jin.
He Yi 何儀 n/a n/a Banditleader who claimed affiliation with the Yellow Turbans.
Hex Mark
[Dilu 的盧]
n/a Liu Bei
Hu Cai 胡才 n/a Bobo Bandits Leader among the Bobo Bandits (White Wave Bandits).
Hu Zhen 胡軫 Wencai 文才
Hua Xin 華歆
Hua Xiong 華雄 n/a Dong Zhuo Chief Controller. Killed by Sun Jian.
Huang 黃, the Lady n/a Han
Liu Bei
Daughter of Huang Chengyan and wife of Zhuge Liang. SGZ Shu 5
Huang Chengyan 黃承彥 n/a Han Scholar and father-in-law of Zhuge Liang. SGZ Shu 5
Huang Gai 黃蓋 Han (Sun Jian)
Yuan Shu
Sun Ce
Sun Quan
Huang Shao 黃邵 n/a n/a Banditleader who claimed affiliation with the Yellow Turbans.
Huang Yan 黄衍 n/a Han
Liang Rebels
Huang Zhong 黃忠 Hansheng 漢升 Liu Biao
Cao Cao
Liu Bei
Fierce and mighty warrior. Defeated the forces of Xiahou Yuan at Mount Dingjun in 219. Died the next year. SGZ Shu 6
Huang Zu 黃祖
Huangfu Song
Yizhen 義真 Han
Dong Zhuo
Loyal, honest general. Fought against the Yellow Turbans, Liang Province Rebels and the Eunuchs. Succesful in each. Disliked by Dong Zhuo who wanted to kill him. HHS 71
Huanglong 黃龍
(“Yellow Dragon”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Ji Ben 吉本 n/a Han Court Physician of Han at Xu Province in 218. Joined a plot against Cao Cao by Jin Wei, but was executed. SGZ Wei 1
Ji Fu 紀孚 n/a Wu
Ji Huang 吉黃 n/a Han Elder twin of Ji Mao. Used to serve Zhang Wen, when his master died, he left his post to attend funeral. Executed for it. SGZ Wei 9
Ji Ji 戚寄
or: Qi Ji
n/a Yuan Shu Commander under Yuan Shu. Persuaded by Liu Fu to transfer allegiance to Cao Cao. SGZ Wei 15
Ji Kang 嵇康 Shuye 叔夜 Wei One of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. He was executed by Sima Zhao.
Ji Lian 汲廉 n/a Han Joined a petition by Tao Qian to sent Zhu Jun to rescue Emperor Xian. Nothing came of the proposal. HHS 71
Ji Liang 紀亮 n/a Wu
Ji Ling 紀靈 n/a Yuan Shu General. Sent against Liu Bei. Withdrew when Lü Bu hit the spike on top of a halberd. SGZ Wei 7
Ji Mao 吉茂 Shuchang 叔暢 Han
Younger twin of Ji Huang. Bitterly angry for the death of his brother. Fond of learning. SGZ Wei 23
Ji Miao 吉邈 Wenran 文然 Han Son of Ji Ben. Joined a plot against Cao Cao to take Xu city with his father and attacked Cao Cao's agent Wang Bi, who managed to escape and had Ji Miao executed. SGZ Wei 1
Ji Mu 吉穆 Siran 思然 Han Son of Ji Ben. Joined a plot against Cao Cao to take Xu city. Defeated and executed. SGZ Wei 1
Ji Shao 嵇绍 n/a Jin Son of Ji Kang. Nominated to office after his father’s death by Shan Tao.
Ji Yong 季雍 n/a Han
Yuan Shao
Gongsun Zan
Officer of Yuan Shao, but in 192 changed sides to support Gongsun Zan. SGZ Wei 17
Jia Chong 賈充 Gonglü 公閭 Wei
Suggested Sima Yan to take the throne. Opposed the idea of invading Wu. JS 40
SGZ Wei 28
Jia Xu 賈詡 Wenhe 文和
Jian Shi 蹇碩
or: Jian Shuo
n/a Han (Eunuchs) Favoured eunuch of Emperor Ling. Chief of the Western Garden corps. Hated He Jin. HHJ 25
HHS 69
Jiang Wei 姜維 Boyue 伯約 Wei
Admired by Zhuge Liang and became one of Shu-Han's leading generals. Led several northern campaigns and wasted Shu-Han resources. SGZ Shu 14
Jiao He 焦和 n/a Han
Guandong Coalition
Inspector of Qing Province. Joined the coalition against Dong Zhuo. Killed by Yellow Turban remnants. HHJ 26
HHS 58
SGZ Wei 7


completed section
Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Kan Ze 闞澤
Kebineng 軻比能 Xianbi
Kewu 柯吾 Qiang
Kong 孔, the Lady n/a Han
Kong Rong
Cao Cao
Kong Chang 孔常 Han
Kong Gui 孔桂
Kong Rong 孔融 Han
Kong Rong
Cao Cao
Kong Shang 孔尚 Han Grand Administrator of Julu commandery
Kong Shun 孔順 Yuan Shao
Kong Xian 孔羡
Kong Xin 孔信
Kong Yi 孔乂 Yuanjun 元雋 Wei SGZ Wei 16
Kong Zhi 孔芝 Han Grand Administrator of Nanhai commandery
Kong Zhou 孔伷 Han Inspector of Yu Province and a leader among the anti-Dong Zhuo alliance.
Kouloudun 寇婁敦 n/a Wei
General of Wei and former Wuhuan leader. SGZ Wei 28
SGZ Wei 30
Kujiu 苦蝤
(“Dry Grub”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits bandit leader
Kuai Liang 蒯良 Liu Biao
Kuai Qi 蒯祺 Liu Biao
Kuai Yue 蒯越 Liu Biao
Cao Cao
Kuang Changning 況長寧 n/a SGZ Wu 19
Kuitou 魁頭 n/a Xianbi


  • Kong Xun 孔恂 Jin General
  • Kuang Qi 匡琦 Han General


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Li Damu 李大目
(“Big-Eyes Li”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits bandit leader HHS 71
HHS 74
SGZ Wei 6
SGZ Wei 8
Li Dian 李典 Mancheng 曼成 Cao Cao
Li Hui 李惠
Li Hui 李恢 De'ang 德昂
Li Ji 李基
Li Jian 李簡
Li Jin 李進
Li Jue 李傕 Zhiran 稚然 Han
Dong Zhuo
Li Jue
Li Jun 李俊
Li Kan 李堪
Li Kang 李康 Xiaoyuan 蕭遠
Li Le 李樂 n/a Bobo Bandits A leader among the Bobo Bandits.
Li Li 李利
Li Li 李歷
Li Li 李立 Jianxian 建賢
Li Meng 李蒙
Li Mi 李密 Lingbo 令伯
Li Miao 李邈 Han'nan 漢南
Li Min 李旻
Li Qian 李乾
Li Qiu 李球
Li Quan 李權 Boyu 伯豫
Li Ren 李仁 Dexian 德賢
Li Ru 李儒 Wenyou 文優
Li Ruo 李若
Li Shao 李邵 Yongnan 永南
Li Shao 李邵
Li Shao 李韶
Li Shencheng 李申成 n/a Cao Cao
Li Sheng 李勝 Gongzhao 公昭
Li Sheng 李升 n/a Han
Li Sheng 李盛
Li Shi 李式
Li Shu 李術
Li Shucai 李淑才
Li Shuo 李朔
Li Song 栗嵩 Han A eunuch
Li Su 李肅
Li Su 李肅 Weigong 偉恭
Li Tong 李通
Li Xie 李燮
Liang Gang 梁綱
Liang Long 粱龍 n/a Han
Liang Zhongning 梁仲寧 n/a Yellow Turbans
Liao Hua 廖化
Ling Tong 凌統
Liu 劉, the Lady n/a Yuan Shao
Liu Ai 刘艾
Liu Bei 劉備
Liu Biao 劉表
Liu Dai 劉岱
Liu Hui 劉徽
Liu Hong 劉弘
Liu Pi 劉辟
Liu Shan 劉禪
Liu Sheng 劉勝
Liu Tao 劉陶
Liu Wei 劉衛
Liu Xiong 劉雄
Liu Xu 劉續
Liu Xun 劉勛
Liu Zihui 劉子惠
Lu Su 魯肅
Lu Xun 陸遜
呂, the Lady n/a Lü Bu Daughter of Lü Bu.
Lü Bu 呂布 Fengxian 奉先
Lü Jie 呂玠
Lü Meng 呂蒙 Ziming 子明 Sun Ce
Sun Quan
Lü Qiang 呂強 n/a Han
Lü Rong 吕榮, the Lady n/a Han


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Ma Chao 馬超 Mengqi 孟起
Ma Dai 馬岱
Ma Xiang 馬相
Ma Yuanyi 馬元義 n/a Yellow Turbans Large Division Leader. Active in Luoyang, bribing even palace eunuchs.
Ma Zhong 馬忠
Meng Huo 孟獲 n/a Nanman
Fought against Zhuge Liang seven times, but was captured each time and then submitted.
Meng Yan 孟琰 n/a Nanman
Submitted to Shu-Han alongside Meng Huo. Notice the same family name Meng.
Mi 糜, the Lady


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Niu Fu 牛輔 n/a Dong Zhuo
Niu Fu


# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affilition Literary
Biography Image
Ou Jing 區景 Han SGZ Wu 4 no image(s) available for this person
Ou Xing 區星 Changsha 187 bandit SGZ Wu 1 no image(s) available for this person
Oulian 區連 Han
Nan shi 78
Liang shu 54
no image(s) available for this person


# Name Style name Home
Birth Died Affiliation Literary
Biography Image
Pan 潘, the Lady Wei SGZ Wei 20 [Note 116] no image(s) available for this person
Pan 潘, the Lady
Empress Pan
Kuaiji 253 Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 5 no image(s) available for this person
Pan Jun 潘濬 Chengming 承明 Wuling 239 Han, Liu Biao
Liu Bei, Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 16 no image(s) available for this person
Pan Lin 潘臨 bandit SGZ Wu 13 [Note 117] no image(s) available for this person
Pan Mi 潘秘 Wuling Wu SGZ Wu 16 no image(s) available for this person
Pan Miao 番苗 Jiuzhen Shi Xie SGZ Wu 8 no image(s) available for this person
Pan Qian Yuanzhuo Chen Han LS 5 [Note 118] no image(s) available for this person
Pan Xin 番歆 Jiuzhen c. 220 Shi Xie SGZ Wu 8 no image(s) available for this person
Pan Xu 潘勗 Yuanmao 元茂 Henan 215 Han
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 21 no image(s) available for this person
Pan Yin 潘業 Henan 187 Han HHS 8 [Note 119] no image(s) available for this person
Pan Yin 潘隱 Han HHS 69 no image(s) available for this person
Pan Yue 潘岳 Anren 安仁 Wei
JS no image(s) available for this person
Pan Zhang 潘璋 Wengui 文珪 Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Pang 龐
given name unknown
Shanren 山人
or: Shanmin
Wei HHS 83
SGZ Shu 7
no image(s) available for this person
Pang 龐, the Lady Henan Liu Zhang SGZ Shu 1 no image(s) available for this person
Pang De 龐德 Lingming 令明 Hanyang 219 Ma Teng, Ma Chao
Zhang Lu, Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Degong 庞德公 Nan HHS 83
SGZ Shu 7
no image(s) available for this person
Pang Gong 龐恭 Hanyang SGZ Wei 25 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Hong 龐宏 Jushi 巨師 Nan Shu-Han SGZ Shu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Huan 龐渙 Shiwen 世文 Xiangyang Jin JS no image(s) available for this person
Pang Ji 龐季 Liu Biao HHS 74
SGZ Wei 6
no image(s) available for this person
Pang Ji 龐紀 Yuantu 元圖 Nanyang? 202 Han (He Jin)
Yuan Shao
SGZ Wei 6 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Lin 龐林 Nan Liu Bei
Cao Cao
SGZ Shu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Rou 龐柔 Hanyang Wei SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Tong 龐統 Shiyuan 士元 Nan 179 214 Liu Bei SGZ Shu 7 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Xi 龐羲 Henan Han
Liu Zhang
Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 1 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Yan 龐延 Youfufeng Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 15 [Note 120] no image(s) available for this person
Pang Yu 龐淯 Ziyi 子異 Jiuquan Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 18 no image(s) available for this person
Pang Yue 龐樂 Zhao Wei SGZ Shu 1 no image(s) available for this person
Pei Bi 裴畢 Junxian Hedong Han SJZ 19
LS 2
no image(s) available for this person
Pei Hui 裴徽 Wenji 文季 Hedong Wei SGZ Wei 23 no image(s) available for this person
Pei Mao 裴茂 Juguang 巨光 Hedong c. 230 Han
Cao Cao
HHS 72
SGZ Wei 6
no image(s) available for this person
Pei Qian 裴潛 Wenxing 文行 Hedong 244 Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 23 no image(s) available for this person
Pei Wei 裴頠 Yimin 逸民 Hedong 267 300 Jin JS 35 no image(s) available for this person
Pei Xuan 裴玄 Yanhuang 彥黃 Xiapi Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 8 no image(s) available for this person
Peng Cai 彭材 Yuzhang 215 bandit SGZ Wu 15 [Note 121] no image(s) available for this person
Peng Dan 彭旦 Yuzhang bandit no image(s) available for this person
Peng Hu 彭虎
“Tiger Peng”
Yuzhang bandit SGZ Wu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Peng Qi 彭綺 Yuzhang bandit no image(s) available for this person
Peng Qiu 彭璆 Beihai Han SGZ Wei 12 no image(s) available for this person
Peng Shi 彭式 Wu c. 220 bandit SGZ Wu 15 no image(s) available for this person
Peng Tuo 彭脫 Runan 184 Yellow Turbans HHS 71 no image(s) available for this person
Peng Yang 彭羕 Yongnian Guanghan 178 214 Liu Bei SGZ Shu 10 no image(s) available for this person
Pimihu 卑彌呼
Japanese: Pimiko or Himiko
Yamatai? Wa HHS 85
SGZ Wei 30
no image(s) available for this person
Ping-Han Daji 平漢大計
“Grand Design to Pacify Han”
or: Ping-Han Dahong 大洪
Black Mountain Bandits HHS 71, 74
SGZ Wei 6
SGZ Wei 8
no image(s) available for this person
Po Qin Xiubo 休伯 Yingchuan 218 Liu Biao
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 21 no image(s) available for this person
Pufulu 普富盧 Wuhuan
Cao Cao
SGZ Wei 1 no image(s) available for this person
Puyang Kai 濮陽闓 Chenliu Han SGZ Wu 8 no image(s) available for this person
Puyang Xing 濮陽興 Ziyuan 子元 Chenliu 265 Wu SGZ Wu 12 no image(s) available for this person
Puyang Yi 濮陽逸 Chenliu Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 12 no image(s) available for this person


  • Pan Man 潘滿 of Wei and Han
  • Pan Mi 潘秘 of Wu
  • Pan Ping 潘平 of Wu
  • Pan Zhu 潘翥 of Wu
  • Pang Di 龐迪 of Han
  • Pang Hui 龐會 of Wei
  • Pang Lin 龐林 of Shu-Han and Wei
  • Pang Shu 龐舒 of Han
  • Pang Xi 龐熙 of Wei
  • Pang Yan 龐延 of Shu-Han
  • Pang Zeng 龐曾 of Wei
  • Pang Zixia 龐子夏 of ?


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Qi Geng 祁庚 n/a
Qi Ji 戚寄 n/a Yuan Shu, Cao Cao
Qiao 喬, the Lady
(“Da Qiao” 大喬)
n/a Sun Ce (199-200)
Sun Quan (200-?)
Wu (?)
Daughter of Qiao Xuan 玄, wife of Sun Ce. Celebrated beauty. SGZ Wu 09
Qiao 喬, the Lady
(“Xiao Qiao” 小喬)
n/a Sun Ce (199-200)
Sun Quan (200-?)
Wu (?)
Daughter of Qiao Xuan 玄, wife of Zhou Yu 瑜. Celebrated beauty. SGZ Wu 09
Qiao Mao 喬瑁 Yuanwei 元偉 Han A leader of the Alliance against Dong Zhuo. Kinsman of Qiao Xuan 玄. HHS 69
SGZ Wei 1
Qiao Xuan 橋玄 Gongzu 公祖 Han Recognised Cao Cao’s talent and predicted Han would collapse. Father of the celebrated Qiao sisters. HHS 51
HHS (XC) 2
SGZ Wei 1
Qin Jie 秦頡
or: Qin Xie
Chuqi 初起 Han Grand Administrator of Nanyang commandery. Defeated two Yellow Turban leaders: Zhang Mancheng and Han Zhong. HHS 31
HHS 71
LS 17
SJZ 28
Qing Niujue 青牛角
(“Green Oxhorn”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Bandit leader. May be an anachronism for Oxhorn Zhang HHS 71
HHS 74
SGZ Wei 6
Qu Mu 渠穆 n/a Han (Eunuchs) A eunuch. Officer of the palace workshops 尚方. Beheaded He Jin. HHS 69
Qu Yi 麴義 n/a Han Fu
Yuan Shao
Helped Yuan Shao take Ji Province. Defeated Yufuluo. Defeated Gongsun Zan. Yuan Shao's finest general? HHS 74
SGZ Wei 8


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Rao Zhu 饒助 Wu
Raolong Zong 擾龍宗 Han Member of the Imperial Censorate.
Red Hare
[Chitu 赤兔]
n/a Yuan Shao (Lü Bu) Lü Bu, while under the service of Yuan Shao, rode Red Hare fighting against the Black Mountain Bandits. SGZ Wei 7
Ren 任, the Lady n/a Wei A concubine 妾 of Cao Pi.
Ren An 任安
Ren Du 任度 Wu
Ren Fan 任藩
Ren Fu 任福
Ren Guang 任光
Ren Jia 任嘏 Wei
Ren Jun 任峻
Ren Kai 任愷
Ren Kui 任夔
Ren Lan 任覽
Ren Qi 任岐
Ren Xian 任先
Ren Yi 任奕 Wei
Ren Yang 任養
Ren Zhi 任芝


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Shadow Runner
[Jueying 絕影]
n/a Cao Cao A dark horse rode by Cao Cao when he escaped Zhang Xiu. SGZ Wei 1
Shamoke 沙摩柯 n/a Shamoke
King of non-Chinese barbarians. Sided with Liu Bei. SGZ Wu 13
Shaoge 燒戈 n/a Qiang Qiang leader, killed by Guo Huai. SGZ Wei 26
Shen Pei 審配 Zhengnan 正南 Han Fu
Yuan Shao
Yuan Shang
Served Yuan Shao with loyalty. After Shao’s death, sided with his youngest son, Yuan Shang. SGZ Wei 1
SGZ Wei 6
Shi Xie 士燮 Weiyan 威彥 Han
Shi Xie
Sili Yuancheng

(“Director of Retainers Who Scales the City Wall”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits SGZ Wei 8
Sima Ju 司馬俱
Sima Shi 司馬師 JS 2
Sima Yan 司馬炎
Emperor Wu of Jin
Anshi 安世 Wei
Son of Sima Zhao. Founder and first emperor of the Jin Dynasty. Conquered Wu and united the land. JS 3
Sima Yi 司馬懿 JS 1
Sima Zhao 司馬昭 JS 2
Song Dian 宋殿 n/a Han (Eunuchs)
Su Fei 蘇飛
Sui Yuanjin 眭元進
Sun 孫, the Lady
(Shangxiang 尚香)
n/a Sun Ce
Sun Quan
Liu Bei
Daughter of Sun Jian. In fiction referred to as Shangxiang. Married Liu Bei about 209, but later escaped back to Wu.
Sun Ben 孫賁 Boyang 伯陽
Sun Ce 孫策 Bofu 伯符 Yuan Shu
Sun Ce
SGZ Wu 1
Sun Hao 孫皓 Yuanzong 元宗 Wu
Last emperor of Wu. Destroyed the country through tyranical rule and wasteful projects.
Sun Jian 孫堅 Wentai 文台 Han
Yuan Shu
Father of Sun Ce, Sun Quan and Lady Sun. Succesful against the Yellow Turbans, Liang Rebels, Jing Rebels and Dong Zhuo. Found the Imperial Seal. Killed in an ambush by Liu Biao's troops. SGZ Wu 1
Sun Kuang 孫匡
Sun Liang 孫亮
Sun Quan 孫權 Zhongmou 仲謀 Sun Ce
Sun Quan
SGZ Wu 2
Sun Xia 孫夏 n/a Yellow Turbans Leader among the Yellow Turbans. Last leader of the force at Wan city.
Sun Xiu 孫休
Sun Zhang 孫璋 n/a Han (Eunuchs)


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Taishi Ci 太史慈 Ziyi 子義 Liu Yao
Gongsun Du
Sun Ce
Sun Quan
Tang Zhou 唐周 n/a Yellow Turbans


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Wang Du 王度 n/a Han
Yellow Turbans
Assistant magistrate of Dong'a county. Joined the Yellow Turbans in 184. SGZ Wei 14
Wang Kuang 王匡
Wang Yi 王異, the Lady
Wang Yuanji 王元姫, the Lady Wei
Wang Yun 王允 Han
Wei Yan 魏延 Shu-Han
Wei Zi 衛茲
Wen Chou 文醜 n/a Yuan Shao Fierce Cavalry Commander under Yuan Shao.
Wen Yang 文鴦
Wu Ba 吳霸 n/a Yellow Turbans Great Commander 大帥 among the Yellow Turbans. Active in 184 AD in Runan commandery. SGZ Wei 18
Wu Gang 吳綱
Wu Jing 吳景
Wu Lan 吳蘭


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Xia Mou 夏牟 n/a Han One of the eight colonels of the Western Garden corps.
Xia Yun 夏暉
Xiahou Ba 夏侯霸
Xiahou Dun 夏侯惇
Xiahou Yuan 夏侯淵
Xiang Xu 向栩
Xu Chu 許褚
Xu Feng 徐奉
Xu Gong 許貢
Xu He 徐和
Xu Huang 徐晃
Xu Qiu 徐璆
Xu Rong 徐榮
Xu Xiang 許相
Xu You 許攸
Xue Fang 薛方


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Yan Gang 嚴綱 Gongsun Zan
Yan Liang 顏良 n/a Yuan Shao
Yang Ci 禓賜
Yang Feng 楊奉 Bobo Bandits Leader among the Bobo bandits (White Wave bandits).
Yong Kai 雍闓 n/a Nanman Rebelled against Shu-Han, particularly after Liu Bei's takeover of Yi. Enlisted Meng Huo's service.
Yuan Gong 袁貢
Yuan Shang 袁尚
Yuan Shao 袁紹 Yuan Shao
Yuan Shu 袁術
Yuan Tan 袁譚
Yuan Xi 袁熙
Yuan Yao 袁耀
Yuan Yi 袁遺
Yuan Yin 袁胤
Yue Jin 樂進
Yue Song 樂松
Yufuluo 於夫羅


Name Style Name Allegiance(s) Role Source(s)
Zhang Bao 張寶 n/a Yellow Turbans Brother of Zhang Jue 角 and leader of the Yellow Turban army. HHS 71
Zhang Bao 張苞 n/a Han Inspector of Shanyang commandery SGZ Wei 26
Zhang Bao 張苞 n/a Li Jue
Guo Si
Betrayed Li Jue with an unsuccesful attack. HHS 72
Zhang Bao 張苞 n/a Shu-Han Son of Zhang Fei 飛. Died young. Never participated in battles. SGZ Shu 6
Zhang Bo 張伯 n/a Yellow Turbans Leader of Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan commandery. Killed by Fu Xie. HHS 58
Zhang Cheng 張晟
(“White Rider Zhang”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits
Zhang Jue 張角 n/a Yellow Turbans Founder of the Way of Great Peace and leader of the Yellow Turban army. HHS 71
Zhang Leigong

(“Lord of Thunder”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits
Zhang Liang 張梁 n/a Yellow Turbans Brother of Zhang Jue 角 and leader of the Yellow Turban army. HHS 71
Zhang Niujue

(“Oxhorn Zhang”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits SGZ Wei 8
Zhang Yan 張燕
(“Flying Swallow Zhang”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits
Zhao E 趙娥,
the Lady
n/a n/a Honoured and admired for her sense of duty. Avenged the death of her father by beheading his killer Li Shou. HHS 84
SGZ Wei 18
Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 Kongming 孔明 Liu Bei
SGZ Shu 5
Zuo Feng 左豐 n/a Han Eunuch. Slandered Lu Zhi during the Yellow Turban Rebellion.
Zuo Zizhangba

(“Zuo with the Eighty-foot Moustache”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits HHS 71
HHS 74
SGZ Wei 6
SGZ Wei 8
Zuoxiao 左校
(“Enclosure of the Left”)
n/a Black Mountain Bandits Leader among the Black Mountain Bandits HHS 71
HHS 74
SGZ Wei 6
SGZ Wei 8


  1. Mother of Bao Chu 出 and Bao Cheng 成. She died about 235, aged over a hundred.
  2. Son of Lady Bao and younger brother of Bao Chu 出.
  3. Son of Lady Bao and elder brother of Bao Chu 出.
  4. Son of Lady Bao and elder brother of Bao Chu 出.
  5. Formerly a county magistrate in Julu commandery, in 191 Bi Yu was sent by Yuan Shao and other leaders of the Guandong Coalition to offer the imperial title to Liu Yu. Liu Yu, however, firmly refused.
  6. A son of Bian Lan 蘭.
  7. A son of Bian Lan 蘭.
  8. Father of the Lady Bian 卞 of Cao Cao. In 230 Bian Yuan was posthumously enfeoffed as a marquis.
  9. With rank as a general and enfeoffment as a village marquis, in 220 he was a sponsor of a stele commemorating Cao Pi's assumption of the imperial title.
  10. About 215 the Lady's husband, a man of family in Ji province, fled Cao Cao's jurisdiction. Regulations required that the wife should be put to death in his stead, but Cao Cao's officer Lu Yu observed that the marriage was recent and she had never lived with her husband. Traditional authorities thus exempted her from his fate.
  11. Daughter of Cai Yong 邕, she married Yang Dao of Taishan commandery.
  12. A man of good local family and the father of Cai Mao 瑁 (born about 150) and the Lady Cai 蔡, wife of Liu Biao.
  13. A general under Cao Cao. In 200 he was sent against Liu Bei in Runan commandery, but he was defeated and killed.
  14. As a county magistrate in Changshan commandery he was honoured with a stele in 181. A few months later he was transferred to be Inspector of Bing Province.
  15. Younger brother of Cao Cao. Died young. Later granted posthumous title Lamented Marquis of Haiyang. His daughter married Xiahou Heng.
  16. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Li 李. Died young. Posthumously made duke in 231.
  17. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Liu 劉. Died young. Posthumously made duke in 231.
  18. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Liu 劉. Died young. Posthumously made duke in 231.
  19. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Sun 孫. Died young. Posthumously made duke in 231.
  20. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Sun 孫. Died young. Posthumously made duke in 231.
  21. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Li 李. Transferred to maintain the lineage of his father's cousin Cao Shao. Made county marquis in 217, but died two years later. Posthumously made duke in 221.
  22. Daughter of Cao Cao by the Lady Liu 劉. Became Princess of Qinghe 凊河. Married Xiahou Mao. She objected to his adulteries and in 230 she almost had him executed for treason.
  23. Daughter of Cao Cao. Became Princess of Anyang and married Xun Yun.
  24. Daughter of Cao Cao by the Lady Du 杜. Became Princess of Gaocheng 高城.
  25. Daughter of Cao Cao by the Lady Yin 尹. Became Princess of Jinxiang 金郷. Married her half-brother He Yan.
  26. Daughter of a younger brother of Cao Cao, married to Sun Kuang and mother of Sun Tai.
  27. Daughter of a younger brother of Cao Cao, probably Cao Yu, married to Xiahou Heng.
  28. Daughter of Cao Pi and his consort the Lady Zhen. She was appointed as Princess.
  29. Younger brother of Cao Zhen. Granted a share of his fief by Cao Pi.
  30. Third son of Cao Ren, he was enfeoffed under Wei.
  31. Eldest son of Cao Hong 洪. Succeeded to his fief.
  32. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Liu 劉. Cao Ji died young, but was posthumously enfeoffed as a duke in 231.
  33. Second son of Cao Ren, he was enfeoffed under Wei.
  34. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Li 李. Died young. In 231 posthumously made duke.
  35. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Yin 尹. He died young. Granted a posthumous fief in 217. His half-nephew Cao Min was appointed to maintain his lineage.
  36. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Qin 秦. Made a marquis in 216. Under Cao Pi he became a duke (in 221) and a king (in 222), like many of his brothers.
  37. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Zhou 周. Appointed to maintain the descent of his uncle Cao Bin. Made a marquis in 217, but died two years later.
  38. Son of Cao Jun 均 and presumably his Lady Zhang 張. Succeeded to Cao Jun's fief in 219. Made a king in 222.
  39. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Du 杜. Made a marquis in 211. Cao Pi made him a duke (in 221) and later a king (in 222), like many of his brothers.
  40. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Zhao 趙. Made a marquis in 217. Cao Cao was not fond of him, and under Cao Pi he was made only a duke in 222. Cao Rui made him king in 227.
  41. Son of Cao Jun 均. Made a marquis in 217 to maintain the descent of Cao Ju 秬. Cao Pi enfeoffed him as king in 224.
  42. Cousin of Cao Cao who was fond him. Became a gentleman cadet at court but died young. Cao Cao had one of his own sons, Cao Zizheng, transferred to maintain Shao's lineage.
  43. Cao Shao was a son of Cao Xiu 休.
  44. Fourth daughter of Cao Rui. Died in infancy. Posthumously made Princess of Pingyuan.
  45. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Liu 劉. Younger brother of Cao Ang. Had two sons but died young. Posthumously enfeoffed as king in 229.
  46. Eldest son of Cao Ren. Succeeded his fathers fief and was later a general of Wei.
  47. Son of Cao Jun 均. In 221 made a marquis to maintain the descent of Cao Ang. Later became king.
  48. Forth son of Cao Cao by the Lady Bian 卞. Died young. Posthumously made duke (in 221) and king (in 229).
  49. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Qin 秦. Made marquis in 211, but died young.
  50. Son of Cao Chun 純. He succeeded to his fief in 210. Later held military rank under Wei. During the 240s his fief was raised in rank.
  51. Son of Cao Lin 林. Adopted and enfeoffed in 221 to maintain the descent of Cao Xuan 玹 and his elder brother Cao Zan 贊. Became duke in 223.
  52. Possibly a brother of Cao Song 嵩 (Cao Cao's father). Was General of the Rear and marquis under Han.
  53. Son of Cao Lin 林. In 215 adopted and enfeoffed to maintain the descent of Cao Xuan, but died soon afterwards.
  54. Son of Cao Hong 洪. Was given a share of his fathers fief by Cao Cao.
  55. Son of Cao Cao by the Lady Li 李. Married briefly to a daughter of Yuan Tan in 203. Made a marquis in 217 to maintain the descent of Cao Shao. Died the next year.
  56. Noted for his literary and scholarly ability. Refused all official appointments. Left four pian of eulogies, essays and letters. Mentioned in Cao Pi's Lun wen 論文.
  57. A kinsmen of Cao Zhen 真. Served Cao Cao but died early. At the urging of Cao Zhen he was posthumously granted a fief in 230.
  58. Father of Chang Lin 林.
  59. Chang Yi was an Imperial Clerk.
  60. Grand Administrator of Zangke and Yongchang commanderies. In the HYGZ4 his given name is written as 員, while in chapter 11 of the same book it is written as 厡. Rafe de Crespigny says they are surely one and the same person.
  61. Inspector of Xu Province for Cao Cao. Killed by Liu Bei in 199.
  62. A concubine 妾 of Cao Cao. Mother of Cao Gan 幹. Died when Gan was 3 sui.
  63. Bore a daughter to Sun Jian.
  64. Wife of Wei Ji 衛覬 and mother of Wei Quan 瓘.
  65. At the end of the 2nd century Chen Liangfu was a celebrated calligrapher.
  66. Younger son of Chen Qiu. Grand Administrator of Ruyin commandery, a new commandery established by Cao Cao.
  67. Two years after his death in 185 a stele was set up in his memory. Its text survives only in fragments.
  68. In 184 Chen Duan was Registrar to the Administrator Zhao Qian. When the Yellow Turban rebellion broke out the commandery militia was defeated. Chen Duan and six other officers shielded Zhao Qian with their own bodies, and though they mere all killed he was able to escape. An edict stated that the gates of each of the officers' homes should be inscribed in honor of the Seven Heroes.
  69. Advisor to Sun Ce along with his fellow-countymen Zhang Hong and Qin Song. Died about 200.
  70. Officer of Liu Bei stationed by the Yangzi Gorges in Jing Province. Attacked by Lu Xun in 219 who captured him.
  71. Member of a powerful local family in the late second century, Chen Mao slandered the father, Han Chun, and the elder brother of his neighbor Han Ji and almost had them put to death. Han Ji pretended to pay no attention, but he secretly gathered assassins to deal with Chen Mao, and then presented his head as a sacrifice to Han Chun's tomb.
  72. Senior officer under Chen Yu, claimant Grand Administrator of Wu commandery. Chen Mu was killed by Sun Ce's officer Lü Fan in 197.
  73. Chen Pu and Zu Shan were chieftains of non-Chinese in the Huang Shan range of southern Danyang. They and their Chinese allies were conquered by He Qi in 208.
  74. A descendant of Chen Gui, about 220 Chen Su was made a cadet gentleman by Cao Pi in memory of his ancestor's achievements.
  75. According to the New Book of Tang (Xin Tang shu 新唐書) Chen Sui was a son of Chen Yuan 源 and a younger brother of Chen Shi 寔.
  76. A eunuch, as a Palace Internuncio in the 180s, Chen Sui was a member of the cortege sent by Emperor Ling to honor the funeral of the Excellency Yang Ci.
  77. In 192, under orders from Lü Bu at Chang'an, Chen Wei and others disguised themselves as guards to assassinate Dong Zhuo.
  78. Grandson of Chen Yuan 源 and one of the six sons of Chen Shi 寔.
  79. Grandson of Chen Yuan 源 and one of the six sons of Chen Shi 寔.
  80. Son of Chen Chen, he refused local office, but was later Inspector of Qing Province for Wei.
  81. According to the New Book of Tang (Xin Tang shu 新唐書) Chen Zi was a son of Chen Yuan 源 and a younger brother of Chen Shi 寔.
  82. An Imperial Clerk in the 180s, Chen Zun was a member of the cortège sent by Emperor Ling to honour the funeral of the Excellency Yang Ci.
  83. Officer of Sun Quan. About 210 Cheng Dang was stationed on the frontier of Jing and Yang Provinces and died about that time. Sun Quan proposed to transfer his troops to Lü Meng, who was stationed near by. Lü Meng objected, arguing that Cheng Dang had given good service to the state, and his troops should pass to his male heir, even though he was still young. Sun Quan eventually accepted the argument and Lü Meng sent an officer to guide the young successor in managing his human inheritance.
  84. About 210 Cheng Tuo was murdered by Guo Zheng 郭政, who was having an affair with his wife.
  85. In 193, as Liu Yu was preparing to attack Gongsun Zan, his officer Cheng Xu argued against it. Liu Yu killed him.
  86. A county commandant in Danyang commandery, in 181 Cheng Yang was a leading sponsor of a stele in honour of the magistrate Pan Qian, his senior officer.
  87. A gentleman scholar, in the mid-180s Cheng Yin received official appointment.
  88. In 203 Cheng Zheng and his fellow-countryman Shi Qian persuaded the Governor Liu Zhang to divide Jianwei and set up the new commandery of Jiangyang.
  89. In 203 Liu Zhang set up a new commandery called Jiangyang, in the southern part of Jiangwei commandery, and appointed Cheng Zun, who had been a Commandant there, as the new Grand Administrator.
  90. Sobriquet of a robber-bandit in Donglai commandery. He was put down by He Kui and Zhang Liao about 200.
  91. Rebel leader in 185, defeated by Yang Xu.
  92. In 176 a yellow dragon appeared in Qiao county, Pei commandery. Dan Yang said it meant that the territory (home to Cao Cao) was producing a ruler.
  93. Held rank as a general and was enfeoffed as a village marquis, in 220 he was sponsor of a stele commemorating Cao Pi's assumption of the imperial title.
  94. Officer of Liu Biao. Commanded a garrison in Nanyang city in 197. When Cao Cao attacked the city, Deng Ji was captured.
  95. Imperial Clerk, officer of the Censorate. Accompanied Emperor Xian on his escape from Chang'an in 195, but was killed in one of the battles along the way.
  96. In 184 Deng Sheng was promoted from Minister Herald to Grand Commandant. The following year he left that office.
  97. Wife of Cao Song 嵩 and mother of Cao Cao. In 220 her grandson Cao Pi had her honoured by Emperor Xian of Han.
  98. Magistrate of Weinan. Set free animals at Tong Gate to confuse Ma Chao’s army.
  99. Appointed to work on the Wu shu by Sun Quan, Hua He said he was a poor historian.
  100. Son of Ding Lan 覽. Originally named Ding Mi. After Sun Hao came to power, Ding Mi changed his name to Ding Gu in order to avoid the taboo on the name of Sun Hao’s father-in-law Teng Mi.
  101. Wife of Guo Yong 郭永 and mother of the future consort of Cao Pi, she died about 189. When her daughter became empress in 222 she received posthumous enfeoffment.
  102. a county commandant in Danyang commandery, in 181 he was a leading sponsor of a stele in honour of the magistrate Pan Qian, his senior officer.
  103. In 214 Dong He was a military adviser to Zhu Guang 朱光, the Administrator of Lujiang commandery in the service of Cao Cao. As Sun Quan's army stormed Huan, capital of the commandery, Zhu Guang and Dong He were both taken prisoner.
  104. A village marquis in 213, Dong Meng was among the petitioners who urged Cao Cao to take title as Duke of Wei.
  105. Recognized for literary and scholarly ability, he held office in the imperial government in the latter part of the first century.
  106. A subordinate commander to Zhang Yan in te 190s, he was sent to assist Gongsun Zan against Yuan Shao but was defeated.
  107. A grandson of Du Gen. About 230 he was granted minor enfeoffment by Cao Rui (Emperor of Wei) on account of the achievements of his brother Du Xi.
  108. Son of Du Du. In the latter half of the first century Du Shuo was a man of local power, famous for his wealth.
  109. About 192 Du Song was a colonel in garrison command in Donghai commandery for Cao Cao. His men mutinied under the leadership of Gui Mu, and Cao Cao sent Lü Qian to take his place.
  110. A local officer under the Administrator Yin Xiu, about 189 Du You was nominated for commissioned appointment.
  111. Qiang leader, killed by Guo Huai.
  112. Qiang leader, killed by Guo Huai.
  113. Son of Fa Xiong, after his father's death in 220 Liu Bei enfeoffed Fa Miao as a secondary marquis. Fa Miao was later Commandant of the Equipage and titular Administrator of Hanyang commandery, a territory to which Shu-Han laid claim but did not in fact control.
  114. In 185 he was Administrator of Wu. The celebrated scholar Gao Biao, who came from that commandery, had died in the previous year and Fan arranged for leaders of the community to set up a stele in his honour.
  115. Well-known for his judgement of character, when he was Grand Administrator of Beidi Fan Jin recommended Fu Xie as Filial and incorrupt. In 186, as Grand Administrator of Hanyang, he was succeeded by his former nominee.
  116. A concubine 妾 of Cao Pi. She bore him a son, Cao Rui (not the same Cao Rui who became Emperor).
  117. Leader of bandits in Kuaiji commandery. Destroyed by Lu Xun.
  118. Formerly the magistrate of a county in Danyang, in 181 Pan Qian was honoured with a stele.
  119. In 187 bandits from Yingchuan attacked Zhongmou county in Henan. They killed the magistrate Luo Hao 落皓 and his Registrar Pan Yin.
  120. A man of local distinction, Pang Yan was recommended by Cao Cao's officer Zhang Ji about 215 and had a successful official career under Wei.
  121. Banditleader in the east of Poyang. Peng Cai was destroyed by He Qi in 213.


  1. Chen Shou. "Book of Wei 8," in Records of the Three Kingdoms.

