Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

Lingdi ji 靈帝紀 (Annals of Emperor Ling) is a lost Chinese text about the reign of Emperor Ling. It was compiled by Liu Ai 劉艾 and later became part of the Han Ling-Xian erdi ji, together with the Xiandi ji.

Bits of information[]

Emperor Ling reigned from 168 to 189. He was born as Liu Hong 劉宏 and lived from 156 to 189.

Fragments in Records of the Three Kingdoms[]

Book of Wei 1 - Biography of Cao Cao[]

  1. 劉艾《靈帝紀》曰:章,一名元。
  2. Liu Ai's Annals of Emperor Ling says: "[Bian] Zhang's other name was Yuan.”

Book of Wei 6 - Biography of Dong Zhuo[]

  1. 《靈帝紀》曰:中平五年,徵卓為少府,敕以營吏士屬左將軍皇甫嵩,詣行在所。卓上言:「涼州擾亂,鯨鯢未滅,此臣奮發效命之秋。吏士踴躍,戀恩念報,各遮臣車,辭聲懇惻,未得即路也。輒且行前將軍事,盡心慰卹,效力行陳。」六年,以卓為并州牧,又敕以吏兵屬皇甫嵩。卓復上言:「臣掌戎十年,士卒大小,相狎彌久,戀臣畜養之恩,樂為國家奮一旦之命,乞將之州,效力邊陲。」卓再違詔敕,會為何進所召。

Book of Wei 8 - Biography of Zhang Yang[]

  1. 《靈帝紀》曰:以虎賁中郎將袁紹為中軍校尉,屯騎校尉鮑鴻為下軍校尉,議郎曹操為典軍校尉,趙融、馮芳為助軍校尉,夏牟、淳于瓊為左右校尉。

Book of Shu 1 - Biography of Liu Yan[]

  1. 《漢靈帝紀》曰:帝引見焉,宣示方略,加以賞賜,敕焉為益州刺史。前刺史劉雋、郤儉皆貪殘放濫,取受狼籍,元元無聊,呼嗟充野,焉到便收攝行法,以示萬姓,勿令漏露,使癰疽決潰,為國生梗。焉受命而行,以道路不通,住荊州東界。
  2. The Annals of Emperor Ling of Han says: “The emperor summoned Yan into audience, gave him instructions on policy, additionally bestowed rewards on him, and appointed Yan to be inspector of Yi Province: ‘Former inspectors Liu Jun 劉雋 and Xi Jian are avaricious and given to excess, and their exactions were notorious. The people are without a means of livelihood, and their laments fill the countryside. When you arrive, take them into custody and apply the law as a demonstration to the people. Do not allow this to leak out. If the ulcer bursts, it will bring disaster to the state.’ Yan received his orders and left. Because the roads were impassable, he remained in the eastern part of Jing Province.”[2]

Book of Wu 1 - Biography of Sun Jian[]

  1. 《靈帝紀》曰:昌以其父為越王也。
  2. “The Annals of Emperor Ling says: [Xu] Chang made his father King of Yue.” [3]

See also[]


  • Also mentioned as Han Lingdi ji, but Lingdi ji has been chosen here as the 'standard' name here, because it's successor, Xiandi ji, also didn't have 'Han' in it's title.


  1. de Crespigny. “Index of Books and Writers quoted in the P'ei Sung-chih commentary to San-kuo chih” in The Records of the Three Kingdoms.
  2. Crowell, Record of The Three Kingdoms: The History of Shu Fascicle One: “The Two Shepherds Liu”.
  3. de Crespigny, The Biography of Sun Chien, page 1.

