Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

Ding Yuan 丁原 was the Inspector of Bing province during Later Han. He was a fierce man who considered no task too difficult. He assisted He Jin in his campaign against the eunuchs, but was later killed by his subordinate Lü Bu, who had defected to Dong Zhuo's side.


Ding Yuan was born into a humble family. Described as a rough man, fierce in battle and skilled in horsemanship and archery. A meticulous and studious man, he became an official at Nan county 南縣[n 1] (likely Nancheng county 南城縣)[4], he considered no assignment too difficult, and was always at the forefront when pursuing bandits.[2] Ding Yuan eventually became Inspector of Bing province[n 2] and a Commandant of Cavalry, stationed in Henei commandery in Sili province. He employed his Registrar, Lü Bu, and entrusted much to him.[5] When Emperor Ling created the Western Garden corps, Ding Yuan sent one of his subordinates, Zhang Yang, to lead some troops and increase the imperial army's size.[6]

When Emperor Ling died in 189, Ding Yuan led his troops to pay his respects at Luoyang. He was accompanied by Lü Bu and Zhang Liao.[7][8] He plotted with the General-in-Chief He Jin to exterminate the eunuchs.[5] Ding Yuan was ordered to make a show of strength. He burnt the city of Mengjin, north of Luoyang and was then appointed Bearer of the Gilded Mace, chief of police at the capital.[5][9]

In trying to rid the palace of eunuchs, He Jin enlisted the aid of Dong Zhuo, much against the officials' advice. However, He Jin was killed by the eunuchs. He Jin's enraged allies stormed the palace and massacred the eunuchs. At the same time, Dong Zhuo arrived and entered the capital city. Dong Zhuo wanted to seize control of the Emperor and one of his first plans was to kill Ding Yuan in order to take his troops. Knowing that Lü Bu was greatly trusted by Ding Yuan, he lured Lü Bu into killing him. Lü Bu then took over Ding Yuan's troops, showed off Ding Yuan's decapitated head in a show of submission, and joined Dong Zhuo.[5][3] Following his death, Bing province would be devoid of an Inspector for some years before Yuan Shao took control of the region.

Ultimately, Ding Yuan's greatest weakness was his great trust in warriors because he believed their strength was valuable. Dong Zhuo exploited this fact to kill him easily.[5][8]


  1. No such Nan county 南縣 existed at the time, therefore it is likely a transcription error.
  2. The last known Inspector, Zhang Yi 張懿, died in battle in the 3rd lunar month of the 5th Zhongping era, corresponding to Spring 188. Likely after this date is when Ding Yuan took office.
    HHS: 三月,休屠各胡攻殺并州刺史張懿,遂與南匈奴左部胡合,殺其單于。

Fact vs. Fiction[]


  • ...Ding Yuan was not Lü Bu's adoptive father.
  • ...Ding Yuan never condemned Dong Zhuo's arrival.
  • ...it is not exactly known how Dong Zhuo persuaded Lü Bu to kill Ding Yuan.
    Read about this fictional event here.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 de Crespigny, A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms, biography of Ding Yuan page 144.
  2. 2.0 2.1 《英雄記》 原字建陽。本出自寒家,為人麤略,有武勇,善騎射。為南縣吏,受使不辭難,有警急,追寇虜,輙在其前。裁知書,少有吏用。 Chen Shou. "Book of Wei 7: Biography of Lü Bu" in Records of the Three Kingdoms, cited by Pei Songzhi.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 de Crespigny, To Establish Peace, Zhongping 6
  4. HSS: Administrative Geography (3) 南城故屬東海。
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 SGZ: Biography of Lü Bu 刺史丁原為騎都尉,屯河內,以布為主簿,大見親待。靈帝崩,原將兵詣洛陽。與何進謀誅諸黃門,拜執金吾。進敗,董卓入京都,將為亂,欲殺原,并其兵衆。卓以布見信於原,誘布令殺原。布斬原首詣卓,卓以布為騎都尉,甚愛信之,誓為父子。
  6. SGZ: Biography of Zhang Yang 靈帝末,天下亂,帝以所寵小黃門蹇碩為西園上軍校尉,軍京都,欲以御四方,徵天下豪傑以為偏裨。太祖及袁紹等皆為校尉,屬之。并州刺史丁原遣楊將兵詣碩,為假司馬。
  7. de Crespigny, A Biographical Dictionary, biography of Lü Bu page 624-625
  8. 8.0 8.1 SGZ: Biography of Zhang Liao 漢末,并州刺史丁原以遼武力過人,召為從事,使將兵詣京都。
  9. HHS: Biography of He Jin 遂西召前將軍董卓屯關中上林苑,又使府掾太山王匡東發其郡強弩,并召東郡太守橋瑁屯城皋,使武猛都尉丁原燒孟津,火照城中,皆以誅宦官為言。

