Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

The Annals of the Later Han (Hòu Hàn jì 後漢紀) is a Chinese history work written by the Jin dynasty historian Yuan Hong 袁宏 in the 4th century. It is one of several histories of the Later Han dynasty later overshadowed by Fan Ye's History of the Later Han 後漢書.


The Annals of the Later Han were written by Yuan Hong (328–376), a scholar and historian of the Jin dynasty who had also served as an advisor to various generals on a number of military campaigns.

For Annals of the Later Han Yuan Hong used a number older histories of the Later Han dynasty, such as the Hou Han shu's by Xie Cheng 謝承 and Hua Jiao 華嶠 and the Xu Han shu 續漢書 by Sima Biao 司馬彪. He also collected "Diaries of Activity and Repose" (qǐjū zhù 起居注) of various Emperors of Han, such as those of Emperor Ling 靈 and Emperor Xian 獻.

The Annals of the Later Han is one of a couple of alternative histories (with Fan Ye's History of the Later Han being the official one) which has survived without too much losses.

Fragments in Records of the Three Kingdoms[]

Book of Wei 2 - Annals of Emperor Wen (Cao Pi)[]

  1. 袁宏《漢紀》載漢帝詔曰:「魏太子丕:昔皇天授乃顯考以翼我皇家,遂攘除羣凶,拓定九州,弘功茂績,光于宇宙,朕用垂拱負扆二十有餘載。天不憖遺一老,永保余一人,早世潛神,哀悼傷切。丕奕世宣明,宜秉文武,紹熈前緒。今使使持節御史大夫華歆奉策詔授丕丞相印綬、魏王璽紱,領兾州牧。方今外有遺虜,遐夷未賔,旗鼓猶在邊境,干戈不得韜刃,斯乃播揚洪烈,立功垂名之秋也。豈得脩諒闇之禮,究曾、閔之志哉?其敬服朕命,抑弭憂懷,旁祗厥緒,時亮庶功,以稱朕意。於戲,可不勉與!」
  2. 袁宏《漢紀》載漢帝詔曰:「朕在位三十有二載,遭天下蕩覆,幸賴祖宗之靈,危而復存。然仰瞻天文,俯察民心,炎精之數旣終,行運在乎曹氏。是以前王旣樹神武之績,今王又光曜明德以應其期,是歷數昭明,信可知矣。夫大道之行,天下為公,選賢與能,故唐堯不私於厥子,而名播於無窮。朕羨而慕焉,今其追踵堯典,禪位于魏王。」

Book of Wei 11 - Biography of Yuan Huan[]

  1. 袁宏《漢紀》曰:滂字公熈,純素寡欲,終不言人之短。當權寵之盛,或以同異致禍,滂獨中立於朝,故愛憎不及焉。
  2. 袁宏《漢紀》曰:初,天下將亂,渙慨然歎曰:「漢室陵遲,亂無日矣。苟天下擾攘,逃將安之?若天未喪道,民以義存,唯彊而有禮,可以庇身乎!」徽曰:「古人有言:『知機其神乎』!見機而作,君子所以元吉也。天理盛衰,漢其亡矣!夫有大功必有大事,此又君子之所深識,退藏於密者也。且兵革旣興,外患必衆,徽將遠迹山海,以求免身。」及亂作,各行其志。

Book of Wu 4 - Biography of Liu Yao[]

  1. 袁宏《漢紀》曰:劉繇將奔會稽,許子將曰:「會稽富實,策之所貪,且窮在海隅,不可往也。不如豫章,北連豫壤,西接荊州。若收合吏民,遣使貢獻,與曹兖州相聞,雖有袁公路隔在其間,其人豺狼,不能乆也。足下受王命,孟德、景升必相救濟。」繇從之。


Chaptertitle Translation
1-8 光武帝紀 Annals of Emperor Guangwu
9-10 明帝紀 Annals of Emperor Ming
11-12 章帝紀 Annals of Emperor Zhang
13-14 和帝紀 Annals of Emperor He
15 殤帝紀 Annals of Emperor Shang
16 安帝紀 Annals of Emperor An
18-19 順帝紀 Annals of Emperor Shun
20 質帝紀 Annals of Emperor Zhi
21-22 桓帝紀 Annals of Emperor Huan
23-25 靈帝紀 Annals of Emperor Ling
26-30 獻帝紀 Annals of Emperor Xian

See also[]

